15, 26TH OCTOBER STREET , 54627, THESSALONIKI, Kreeka - +306943952860Organisatsiooni kirjeldus:
The non-profit organization Anazitites Theatrou (Fix in art) has been active since 2011. It is a cultural non-profit, community-led, creative hub, located in Thessaloniki’s landmark building, the old FIX brewery, providing a welcoming home for creative adventures and human connection. It's purpose is to contribute to get the performing arts a center position in education (formal or non-formal), as well as to enhance, support & promote artistic expression, offer opportunities for learning and exchange ideas, to connect artists & culture professionals locally and internationally, & to create unique experiences for audiences. The mission of the organization is to support creatives, amateurs & visionaries and nurture cultural collaborations with local and international organizations, artists, universities & cultural innovators. Its aim is to build bridges for youth mobility, support learning for people of all ages and backgrounds, and promote modern culture in a space that is open and accessible to everyone. Its vision is to maintain the inclusive and creative community rooted in Thessaloniki, as well as make it stronger and expand its international network. We believe in art and creativity as a vehicle for social change. Access to art and creativity is a human right and not a luxury. We envision fostering and empowering community-led creative/artistic programming within the Thessalonian community, in its multiculturality, as well as on a national & international level.
Kaasamise teemad
See organisatsioon on nõus kaasama vabatahtlikke, kelle isiklik olukord muudab nende osalemise tegevuses keerukamaks, eri liiki projektide jaoks järgmistest kategooriatest:
- Puue
- Majanduslikud takistused
- Ühiskondlikku laadi takistused
- See organisatsioon omab Euroopa solidaarsuskorpuse kvaliteedimärgist. Kvaliteedimärgis kinnitab, et organisatsioon juhib projekte kooskõlas Euroopa solidaarsuskorpuse põhimõtete ja eesmärkidega.
Tegevuse suund Vabatahtlik tegevus
Veereta | Kehtivusaja lõpp |
Hosting | 31/12/2026 |
Toetav | 31/12/2026 |
Organisatsiooni valdkond
IKT / uued tehnoloogiad / digipädevused
Loovus ja kultuur
Noored (osalemine, noorsootöö, noorsoopoliitika)