Associazione Casa a Colori ODV

Associazione Casa a Colori ODV

Casa a Colori

Viale Scalabrini, 3, 36061, Bassano del Grappa, Italy - +393339522623

organisatsiooni kirjeldus:

Casa a Colori was founded in 1992 by volunteers who were working in a migrant reception center runby Scalabrinian Fathers. Casa a Colori operates within province of Vicenza. Our mission is to fostersocial inclusion at all levels and provide help to people who are suffering from adverse poverty andwhom have been forced to move from their country. Casa a Colori consists of ten employees,external collaborators and many volunteers from across the world.
Casa a Colori offers the following services:
-Immigration office
It is a point of information regarding migration law. Tasks undertaken involve providing comprehensive assistance concerning the completion of procedures regarding the attainment and renewal of permits of stay, family reunion and Italian citizenship and providing advice on subjects regarding legislation. This service is directed to italian and foreign population residing in the area where the Association is working.
- Mensa (soup-kitchen)
Every evening food is offered for free to all who need it. It is staffed by volunteers. Volunteers heat and serve the dinner. Food is collected and sourced from the local canteens, restaurants and markets. In this way food is not wasted. Homeless people, people in poverty can access this service.For families in need a bag of food is prepared and delivered once a week.
- extra-ché (afterschool)
This service offers daily help with homework to young boys and girls from 6 to 18 years old who come from various countries. Furthermore, through activities and workshops cultural exchange among young people is facilitated. This service is offered in the Municipality of Bassano del Grappa and in Marostica, another town where Casa a Colori operates. Workshops are also proposed to young people to develop their creativity and to raise awareness on social themes, like inclusion,respect of diversity.
-Hosting Centre for Asylum Seekers (C.A.S)
The association hosts in different apartments almost 50 asylum seekers (men, woman and children),providing them with food, essential goods and medicine.
Casa a Colori also offers Italian classes and specific courses to help migrants attain work. A legal and psychological help is also providedthroughout the process of attaining international protection.
- European Solidarity Corps Programme (ESC)
Casa a Colori is a current hosting partner for the ESC program providing volunteers an opportunity tolearn and exercise their European citizenship. In particular volunteers are involved in extra-ché activities, in the immigration office, in the kitchen-soup and in providing assistance to employees working with asylum seekers. Esc volunteers can experience activities directed to different targets, inorder to develop different skills and understand what is their attitude.
-Human rights education
Casa a Colori through trained employees provide to High school, Secondary and Primary schoolsworkshops and activities to facilitate discussions on human rights and migration topics. Young students are the target of these activity.
- Youth Center (in Marostica -VI)
Casa a Colori manage this facility which provides educational and recreational activities for people living around Marostica's area. This is also an open space where sport clubs and artists can propose their activity to young and old population. Shows and artistic exhibitions take place here.Casa a Colori operates with a person centered approach. Every action is commensurate to the person in need. Our projects are aimed to empower people to whom they are addressed, giving them all the instruments to be autonomous in the future.
Casa a Colori has also an important approach to inclusion. Throughout their services, like the kitchen-soup, the after-school project, the immigration office, Casa a Colori pays a particul arattention to people in need. The main intent is trying to give equal opportunities to everybody, despite their condition and position.
In order to reach the greatest number possible the Association develops their projects considering existing realities that already work in the territory. Since its constitution Casa a Colori works to createa network between associations and public institutions.
The association promotes, finally, a formal and non formal education. A formal education can be seen in the after-school project, where young boys and girls are helped with their homework and they are asked to take part to workshops that develop their creativity, their personal skills and their sense of belonging to the community. The human rights education hold in primary and secondary schools by a trained employee can considered a non formal education. Notions and examples are given to students, throughout explanations, videos and group activities to facilitate discussions on human rights and migrants' rights topics and to promote solidarity.

Volunteering project

Projekti nimi Project Dates Tähtaeg Staatus
EVS project || Bassano Del Grappa, Veneto, Italy || 10 months
A total of 0 week(s) during the period
sept 2017 to juuni 2018
01/09/2017 - 30/06/2018
21/06/2017 closed

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PIC: 939768593 OID: E10110703
Viimati uuendatud 27/04/24