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Accredited organisation

Fundatia Life Tineret

Fundatia Life Tineret

Cuza Voda nr.17, 410101, Oradea, Rumunsko


Popis organizace:

Life Youth Foundation has been found in 1999 by a group of young people willing to bring changes in their community.

The mission of the Life Youth Foundation is to empower the civil society by strengthening the role of all his actors, focusing on young people and youth workers.

Our TARGET groups are:
- children 6-13 years
- young people 14-30 years
- youth workers 16-65 years
- teachers
- trainers and facilitators
- educators
- families

According to our mission we are going in following directions:
- training people about active citizenship, leadership, entrepreneurship, human rights, how to organise community actions
- organise different voluntary actions where we involve our target groups in specific activities, where hey can perform active citizenship and help solving local issues,
while showing other people in the community simple ways to get involved
- support community groups dedicated to bring change
- facilitate access to information and networking
- make petitions and lobby local authorities related to problems faced by our community
- organise activities promoting Green concepts and Green technologies/ approaches that can make our community sustainable and able to face climate changes
- encourage and support children, young people and families to get involved as volunteers

Since its birth our organisation has been managing projects with financial support from private and public donors/ programs among which The Prince's Trust,
Soros Foundation, Concil of Europe, Youth, Youth for Europe, Youth in Action, Erasmus+, Foundation for Development Euro Region Carphatians.

We have been active in all Erasmus+ previous programmes dedicated for youth and with this support from European Commission we have been organising youth exchanges on different topics, youth initiatives, EVS sending, hosting and coordinating projects, study visits, seminars and training courses, job shadowings.

Since 2003 our organization is providing - training courses and seminars for youth workers, youth leaders and public servants at national and international level. We believe in the power of information and therefore we have been active in facilitating communication / access to information for our target groups - Egroups
( , , ), Organising events at local and national level for youthworkers, Managing platform for EVS organisations in Romania.

EVS and mobility of young people are important for us because we believe that an EVS experience provides a complex learning opportunity that helps a young person to grow and become more able to integrate in the social and profesional life.
We are working since 2003 with EVS and through numerous projects in the position of Sending, Hosting and Coordinating organisation we had the opportunity to see how young people grow, how they change and learn. More than 200 young people from EU and non EU countries have been involved in our EVS projects.
Life Youth Foundation is running in Oradea since 2003 a Youth Information Center and The Center for promoting EVS volunteering. All these activities are done because they are serving our MISSION.

  • Tato organizace získala značku kvality Evropského sboru solidarity. Značka kvality potvrzuje, že organizace je schopna realizovat projekty v souladu se zásadami a cíli Evropského sboru solidarity.

Oblast působnosti Dobrovolnická činnost

Úloha Platnost
Hosting 31/12/2027
Poskytovatel podpory 31/12/2027

Vedoucí organizace

PIC: 949368974 OID: E10088588