organisatsiooni kirjeldus:

Ecoperia is established in 2010, looking for new social solutions for the current problems the society faces, inspired by the ideas of social enterprising as an alternative to the traditional economic system that still runs our society, we are born with the aim of promoting new ideas and new projects which has a social aim, being both, sustainable in the long-term and employment creator.

We reach our objectives and aims by working on:

• Taking care and raising awareness about environment and nature protection through activities and campaigns focus on the production and consumption of organic and ecological products.

• The preservation and development of rural areas thanks to sustainable forestry projects which are employment generators in those areas.

• The attention, defence, counselling and labour market inclusion of groups (at risk) at social exclusion through our projects.

• The training, skills-development, sharing and exchange of knowledge through workshops, courses and seminars.

• Boosting a social entrepreneurship spirit by raising awareness campaigns and development of new initiatives that offers new solutions to current problems.

• The support of new social entrepreneurship ideas that are viable and sustainable.

• Fostering and participating in youth mobility programs such as European Solidarity Corps as a tool for personal growing, skills development and social change, mostly supported by the Erasmus+ Programme.

Volunteering project

Projekti nimi Project Dates Tähtaeg Staatus
Supporting local forestry in Iceland
A total of 0 week(s) during the period
mai 2017 to sept 2017
01/05/2017 - 30/09/2017
20/02/2017 closed
Supporting local forestry in Iceland
A total of 0 week(s) during the period
mai 2018 to sept 2018
01/05/2018 - 30/09/2018
30/01/2018 closed
Supporting local forestry in Iceland
A total of 0 week(s) during the period
mai 2019 to sept 2019
01/05/2019 - 30/09/2019
10/02/2019 closed

See organisatsioon omab Euroopa solidaarsuskorpuse kvaliteedimärgist. Kvaliteedimärgis kinnitab, et organisatsioon juhib projekte kooskõlas Euroopa solidaarsuskorpuse põhimõtete ja eesmärkidega.

Tegevuse suund Vabatahtlik tegevus

Veereta Kehtivusaja lõpp
PIC: 948775528 OID: E10051253
Viimati uuendatud 26/04/24

Organisatsiooni valdkond

Tervis ja heaolu

Põllumajandus, metsandus ja kalandus

Keskkond ja kliimamuutused