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Accredited organisation

Consejo de la Juventud Comarcal de Calahorra


c/ JULIO LONGINOS 2, BAJO , 26500, CALAHORRA, Španjolska - +34941147746

Opis organizacije

Profile, Motivation and Experience
Please briefly present your organisation. What are its aims, main activities and target groups? Please note that your answer will be published on the European Youth Portal. Please write your answer in English.
From the CJCC we take care of carrying out different activities of interest to young people in the area, as well as developing support projects with different youth organizations in Calahorra.
We defend the rights of young people, we work to improve the situation of youth organizations seeking to achieve greater commitment and participation of young people.
The Regional Youth Council of Calahorra is a large association of youth associations in the Region.
This is in charge of training the different youth mediators, preparing prevention campaigns and filling in those empty spaces that remain in the youth life of our Region.

Why are you applying for Quality Label? Please describe the motivation of your organisation to participate in the European Solidarity Corps and how you will contribute to the programme’s objectives of promoting solidarity and addressing societal challenges.

From the CJCC we take care of carrying out different activities of interest to young people in the area, as well as developing support projects with different youth organizations in Calahorra.
We defend the rights of young people, we work to improve the situation of youth organizations seeking to achieve greater commitment and participation of young people.
The Regional Youth Council of Calahorra is a large association of youth associations in the Region.
Continuing to participate in this program has opened many doors for us both on a personal and organizational level. It has made us connect with different countries and that has given us new skills that we can contribute to our locality and to our young people. We are a door for all young people who seek to find their place in this world, making them take the first step is a great responsibility for which we have worked so that they have the greatest confidence and together build a new entrepreneurial and empowered generation without fear of the new and respecting and tolerating everything around him.

Desde el CJCC nos encargamos de realizar distintas actividades de interés para los jóvenes de la zona, así como de elaborar proyectos de apoyo con distintas entidades juveniles de Calahorra.

Defendemos los derechos de los jóvenes, trabajamos por mejorar la situación de las organizaciones juveniles buscando conseguir un mayor compromiso y participación de la gente joven.

El Consejo de la Juventud Comarcal de Calahorra es una gran asociación de asociaciones juveniles de la Comarca.

Este se encarga de formar a los diferentes mediadores juveniles, preparar campañas de prevención y en llegar a rellenar esos espacios vacíos que quedan en la vida juvenil de nuestra Comarca.

  • Ova organizacija nosi oznaku kvalitete Europskih snaga solidarnosti. Oznaka kvalitete potvrđuje da organizacija može voditi projekte u skladu s načelima i ciljevima Europskih snaga solidarnosti.

Opseg Volontiranju

Uloga Vrijedi do
Hosting 31/12/2027
Potpora 31/12/2027

Vodeća organizacija

PIC: 941314191 OID: E10197423

Područja organizacije

Community development

Key competences development

Digital youth work