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Accredited organisation



AV. AMERICA 102, LOCAL 2, 08914, BADALONA, Španielsko - +34933970585

Opis organizácie

The association La Rotllana is a non-profit youth association of the city of Badalona, ​​whose purpose is to improve the quality of life of children, young people, and their communities, through social education and socio-cultural animation. Our 30 years of experience, our international dimension, and our best value, the people who make up the association, are three of our characteristics that most identify us, together with our multicultural composition. As a youth association, we have grown for twenty-five years in parallel with the European programs, "Youth for Europe", "Youth in action" and now "Erasmus +". So our identification with the values ​​and objectives of these programs is very important. Our framework of action is born from a community base of territorial commitment. European programs have always helped us to grow as a local organization, as well as to offer opportunities to young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. We are committed to the essence of Erasmus + and at this point, we feel that if it did not exist we should invent them because they are simply essential.

Having said this, we also want to point out that we are looking for partners who understand how we participate in a joint project. That they feel the interest and importance of offering opportunities to young people, which also contribute to the strengthening of civil society with an additional international dimension. In this way, we distance ourselves diametrically from organizations or proposals that intend to offer "low-cost trips" or "provide services". Organizationally our sovereign body is an assembly that votes and empowers a voluntary board of directors and a professional technical team, between them they execute the associative project that is decided in the assembly. The most important characteristic of this board mandate is the willingness to propose activities "of, with, and for" young people. Where volunteering is encouraged to the maximum and technicians serve as support to participants and volunteers.

Our project consists of the following lines of action: The children's project develops several programs, among which we highlight the weekend workshop, the daily children's club, and the summer and christmas activities. Within the youth section, there are four lines of action: Sport is one of the most outstanding options offered by our entity, we propose socio-educational projects through sport to promote the inclusion of young people in society. We also carry out a variety of socio-occupational training. International cooperation and solidarity are the motivation of our third block of action. There are many proposals that young people participate in this section of the entity, through youth cooperation projects with Eastern Europe or Africa, which allow a constant program of activities enriched in values. The framework of the programs "Youth for Europe" and "Youth in Action" has allowed us to make many contacts through youth exchanges, which over time have developed into very close relationships. Sociocultural animation is another of Rotllana's lines of action, articulated in a youth association where musical promotion and socio-cultural activities through stable groups of young people are some of the most outstanding activities. Also in secondary schools (IES) are the action centers youth programs in which our association makes proposals for young people in close collaboration with academic education. Thanks to the European youth aid programs, we have carried out different youth initiatives that have subsequently been developed as stable projects. Our last line of action is the socio-community, in which we address more directly social challenges such as; intergenerational coexistence, and make multiculturalism and diversity a positive opportunity.
Our association is actually member of the Federation of small and middle ONG’s of Catalonia, the Youth Centers Association of Catalonia and of the International Network: "European network for social volunteering".

  • Táto organizácia je držiteľom značky kvality Európskeho zboru solidarity. Značka kvality potvrdzuje, že daná organizácia dokáže realizovať projekty v súlade so zásadami a cieľmi Európskeho zboru solidarity.

Rozsah Dobrovoľníctvo

Úloha Dátum skončenia platnosti
Hosting 31/12/2027
Podpora 31/12/2027

Zodpovedná organizácia

PIC: 946883058 OID: E10136997

Témy organizácie

Community development


Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide