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Accredited organisation

Torre dei Giovani - TdG

Torre dei Giovani - TdG

Via Cavallo 31, 80059, Torre del Greco, Италия - +39 0818495167

Описание на организацията:

TdG is a voluntary association composed mostly of young people living in Naples and nearby Torre del Greco. The association is made up of young people who have worked together since 2012, they have gained experience in long-term mobility as Erasmus + (EVS, Training courses, Youth exchanges) and Leonardo. TdG often takes part in training sessions on European programs for young people (such as those relating to the Erasmus +) or opportunities for youth organized by the NA or business incubators Invitalia. Association brings together people with different experiences and background (artists, students in various disciplines, workers and unemployed). Even members of TdG are often of different professional background, they are united by shared values (freedom, democracy, equality, land development, cultural integration, language learning and ICT tools as a means of growth and political participation international level, etc.). We believe that active engagement of young people at local level is key to efforts undertaken to improve their condition.
We deliver services through the following lines of action:
1.Capacity Building: training individuals, community groups, organizations and institutions on management skills, organizational development, leadership skills, and community development
2.Enterprise Development: trainings to individuals and community groups focusing on business development, micro-finance and enterprise development. To improve youth and women enterprise capacity through training.
3.Youth Mobility and Exchange: We give young people an opportunity to serve in different community projects that enable them to utilize their skills, gain experience and contribute towards sustainable community development initiatives thus being able to gain the confidence and recognition of policy makes as active contributor to community development.
4.Non-formal education: The learning activities within this initiative are created to attend to the young people’s needs, aspirations and interests, on a voluntary basis and learner-centred. We base on creating healthy environments of trust and sharing experiences. It also provides added value for young people, for the economy and society in terms of capacity-building of organizations, systems and institutions. This education takes place in a diverse range of environments and address specific target groups and subjects, facilitating the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities.
5.Voluntary Services: We offer both short and Long term voluntary placement opportunities within Kenya to different community groups
6.Youth Empowerment and Leadership Programme where young people are prepared to be healthy, productive and engaged citizens in their local communities

As TdG, our mission is to enhance a society in which the dignity of every person is safeguarded and promoted, in which each individual person may enjoy fundamental liberties, have access to resources and services, have the possibility to live in a healthy environment and improve the quality of life in all aspects; a global society in which cultural rights of other peoples and every man and woman on earth. This is realized by giving a chance to the youths, women and the vulnerable members of the society a chance to be actively involved in the development process in the event realizing self-development through service delivery.
Strategic objective: To recognize youth as a valuable resource to society development, and upholding their rights to participate in the development of policies affecting them by means of a continuous structured dialogue with young people, youth organisations and Institutions.
To promote the active citizenship, social inclusion and solidarity of all young people
To promote the integration of people with few opportunities through activities such as sport, theatre, trainings, art.
To develop and promote viable voluntary service opportunities for both local and international volunteers thus actively contributing to the development of the society
Supporting development of experimental projects and programmes to try out new and innovative ideas and to exchange good practices
Enhance the mobilization of resources in realizing sustainable community development initiatives
To create awareness and sensitize local communities, especially women and youth concerning environment friendly development.
To assist community resource centres to overcome their challenges and establish viable activities
To promote responsible attitudes for Health Care by increasing the level of awareness especially among the youth
To assist community institutions and organizations to Promote and Deliver sustainable services in education, skills development, health, leadership training, ICT development, entrepreneurship and agriculture

Теми, свързани с приобщаването

Тази организация иска да включи доброволци, намиращи се в ситуации, които затрудняват участието им в дейности, от следните категории за различни видове проекти:

  • Културни различия
  • Географски трудности
  • Социални пречки
  • Тази организация притежава знак за качество на Европейския корпус за солидарност. Знакът за качество удостоверява, че организацията е в състояние да управлява проекти в съответствие с принципите и целите на Европейския корпус за солидарност.

Вид дейност Доброволчество

Функция Срок на действие
Hosting 31/12/2027
Подпомагане 31/12/2027
PIC: 934709849 OID: E10168024

Теми на организацията

Гражданство и демократично участие

