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Accredited organisation

Associazione Culturale Francesco Lo Bue

Associazione Culturale Francesco Lo Bue

Via Beckwith 5, 10066, Torre Pellice, l-Italja


Deskrizzjoni tal-Organizzazzjoni

The Associazione Culturale Francesco Lo Bue, also Lo Bue, was set up in 1984 by a group of radio enthusiast friends, who decided to place their know how at the service of the Waldensian Church. The statutory aim of the association, through Radio Beckwith Evangelica (1984), also RBE, and Vibes-Video Beckwith Studio (2018), is to spread and develop the Holy Scripture, the knowledge and study of Protestantism in the various historical and denominational manifestations which regionally, in Piedmont, and nationally, in Italy, and in other countries have been active and are active at religious, ethical-political and social levels; to promote the knowledge of the religious and ethical-moral ideals that Protestantism has preached over the centuries and still preaches; to foster the development of those popular recreational and study activities such as sport, tourism and the performing arts, which best fit into the framework within which the Association intends to work.
In pursuing its aims, Lo Bue, through RBE, seeks to alternate local, national and worldwide information broadcasts, and entertainment programs, with more specific spaces dedicated to disadvantaged, minority, discriminated, social problems, located not only in the territory in which it is based (Alpine valleys in the south west of Piedmont) but also in other parts of Italy and around the world.
Lo Bue pays a lot of attention to giving space to everyone's rights, leaving room for expression to young people and to disparate activities and associations that relate with her, through various forms of collaboration (dedicated interviews, media partnerships, self-managed radio broadcasts...). In the last years radio broadcasts have been dedicated to teenagers (thanks to a collaboration with a project of the CSD-Diaconia Valdese “Spazio Adolescenti”); to mental health problems; to disabilities of various kinds, with a program carried out by the people with disabilities themselves; to local lingual minorities, and so on.
Lo Bue, through radio Beckwith Evangelica, therefore grants a space of expression to anyone who has a project that reflects their purposes, thus allowing them to connect people from various backgrounds, various generations and various interests.
RBE's working group is almost entirely made up of employees under 40 years of age. External collaborators include affectionate retirees who offer their skills and their time to make weekly broadcasts, as well as young music or sports enthusiasts who produce broadcasts that express their own being.
Lo Bue has in fact always given ample space to young people by offering training opportunities, formal and non-formal, growth and comparison in the realization of a common project.
The audience of RBE is therefore very varied, young and old, and ranges from those looking for local and national information, those who prefer moments of musical and/or cultural entertainment, and those who pay attention to more specific broadcasts on social, cultural, or religious issues.
From the beginning of 2021 radiovision has also been experimented, which allows greater visibility than FM broadcasting, thus reaching an even wider audience.
The work of RBE is preciously supported by the VIBES team, also made up of young people, which takes care of the creation of videos for communication with images following local and global projects and events.
The close collaboration between RBE and VIBES allows the continuous comparison and development of new audiovisual languages that are increasingly necessary for communication through social media.
Volunteers will be offered to discovers the whole of the activities of Lo Bue. They will have the opportunity to make their own contribution to the daily life of RBE and Vibes, offering their ideas, experiences already acquired, and discussing with the working group to expand their knowledge and gain non-formal training experiences.
Following their own interests, the volunteers will be able to make their contribution by carrying out projects in the radio and / or video field.

  • Din l-organizzazzjoni għandha Tikketta tal-Kwalità tal-Korp Ewropew ta’ Solidarjetà. It-Tikketta tal-Kwalità tiċċertifika li l-organizzazzjoni tista’ twettaq proġetti f’konformità mal-prinċipji u l-objettivi tal-Korp Ewropew ta’ Solidarjetà.

Ambitu Volontarjat

Rwol Data ta' skadenza
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 916474334 OID: E10200783

Suġġetti tal-organizzazzjoni

Preventing racism and discrimination

Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide

Digital literacy, Information, constructive dialogue, fakenews