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Accredited organisation

Aarhus Kommune - Sundhed og Omsorg

Ældre og Omsorg

Rådhuspladsen 2, 8000, Aarhus C, Dānija - +45 4185 7782

Organizācijas apraksts:

Aarhus Kommune, The Municipality of Aarhus, is the second-largest municipality in Denmark and includes the City of Aarhus along with other surrounding cities. It is located on the east coast of the Jutland peninsula, in the geographical center of Denmark. The municipality of Aarhus employs approximately 30.000 employees and is therefore the largest employer in the city of Aarhus and one of the country’s largest public employers. The municipality serve a wide range of the regional population in all areas of the public sector with the aim of Aarhus being the best possible city for everyone to live and work in.
For information about the municipality and the projects in Aarhus, please see our website: (also in English).

Aarhus Kommune (municipality) consists of different magistrates. Sundhed & Omsorg (Health and Care) is one such magistrate. Sundhed & Omsorg is divided in 4 geographically areas. Each area administrates both the home care for the citizens in that geographical area and a number of nursing homes for elderly and local centers. These centers are mostly used by elderly people living in their own home. At a local center residents can come to a small clinique to see a nurse, can participate in lot of leisure and health activities, there’s a café, and the center is also where lots of volunteers have their meetings and help out in different ways.

  • Šai organizācijai ir piešķirta Eiropas Solidaritātes korpusa kvalitātes zīme. Kvalitātes zīme apliecina, ka organizācija spēj īstenot projektus saskaņā ar Eiropas Solidaritātes korpusa principiem un mērķiem.

Joma Brīvprātīgais darbs

Loma Beigu datums
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 912973216 OID: E10065267

Organizācijas temati

Community development


Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide