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Accredited organisation

Hnízdo - spolek pro komunitní vzděláváni

Hnízdo - spolek pro komunitní vzdělávání

Hornická 900, Tišnov, Češka - +420 730 596 922

Opis organizacije

The main goal of the association Hnízdo (the Nest) is to create a positive environment for formal and nonformal education for all generations (from babies to adults, including whole families, we try to involve senior family members).
One of the aims of Hnizdo is to support other than classical ways of formal education. Both schools established by it target alternative education - Montessori and Democratic. We try to create and influence education as a community. We understand the process of common learning and growth, where the educators are not only the teachers and the educated are not only the children. The content, character and the methods of education are influenced by children, their parents and other members of the community. We also target nonformal education. We are holders of local project for nonformal education - financed from ministery MSMT from 2020 till 2022. The volunteers are fully involved in life, methods and proceedings of the educational process. They are invited to take part in all parts of this process.
The next aim of Hnizdo is to build community of pupils, their parents, school employees and other partners and supporters and volunteers (mostly local people). Apart from operating the school we attend many cultural, social and sport occasions, we organize several communal activities and actions such as summer camps, week-end expeditions, communal festivals, ball dancing, social events, discussions, lectures (Scott Peck Community, Building, handcraft, sport),we take part in seasonal festivals etc. Many of our activities are open to public and they are really welcome to take part in (Ex: local festivals, workshops, lectures, discussions etc.). All members are invited to produce and realise their own project, activity. We support the diversity of ideas and we help them to happen.
Our schools and all other projects exists thanks to a great contribution of voluntary work of many people from our community and we are fully aware of the need to look after volunteers and their motivation to prevent possible burning out. From our beginning we are used to work as and with volunteers. We understand voluntary work and create other than financial benefit for volunteers.
The association was started with the intention to establish a community school in Tišnov. This was achieved in 2015, and since then it has been successfully developing under the name ZaHRAda. ZaHRAda is a small school, children-, parents- and teachers-friendly, accenting learning through natural situations and supporting learning autonomy of the children. Children spent a lot of time outdoors and had a lot of space for free play, creativity and their own projects. In 2019, the Montessori method of education was adopted as the main pillar of ZaHRAda school's curriculum by the Hnizdo Assembly Circle. In the same year, a new external CoLibri classroom was established following the Sudbury model of education. In 2020 the school split to two branches - the Montessori school ZaHRAda in Tisnov and the Democratic school CoLibri in Predklasteri. School Assembly Circles for pupils and employees and the Hnizdo Assembly Circle also including parents, are held regularly, deciding the important issues. The school and its premises are available also in the afternoon times or according to the needs; the school is the focal spot of the community events. We are preparing to open a nursery (with Montessori and forest classes) in 2021.
Other aim of Hnizdo is to build local, regional and international connection on school as well as community level. Our ESC project is part of this aim too. We are continuing with E-twinning projects,school partnerships etc. We cooperate with other local NGOs, community projects, other regional alternative schools and education NGOs.
We have also internal aims to take care about human and financal resources so our employees, families, volunteers and thus the whole community is satisfied, fulfilled and involved. We welcome and support also families in danger of exclusion. We offer different ways of contribution (financial and nonfinancial) in both directions, so the schoolfee doesn't discourage economically disedvantaged families.
We prefer ESC volunteers to stay with us for twelve (or minimum ten) months, usually from September to August (or June). We are open to modifications of the stay period in individual cases.
We can gladly provide more specific information in English to those who are interested.

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Hosting 31/12/2027

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