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Accredited organisation

The Banyan Tree

Finca Santa Clara, Brihuega , 19400, GUADALAJARA, Španjolska


Opis organizacije

'The Banyan Tree' is an organization with an exceptional team and unique facilities at Finca Santa Clara, Brihuega. Some of the organization's hands-on activities include yoga, meditation, vegetarian cooking, music, art and philosophy, sustainable agriculture, and zero-waste practices.

The Banyan Tree is dedicated to what has been called "corporate wellness", which could easily be taken as a marketing strategy but, nevertheless, is an effective methodology for improving the quality of life applied to youth organizations, and a way of incorporating personal development practices to non-formal education and solidarity activities. We believe that solidarity non-formal education activities related to a healthy lifestyle can greatly improve the future of volunteers, both personally and professionally.

Five key practices form the core of the program we offer to our volunteers:

1-Promote the culture and practices of well-being among young people, youth workers and young entrepreneurs
2- Develop personalized health programs, promoted by a long-term strategy
3- Promote activities in the area of health, well-being and sustainable entrepreneurship among youth in rural and under-privileged areas
4- Promote an active lifestyle, beneficial for the personal and professional life of the volunteers.
5-Help volunteers to find projects and jobs that motivate and support their development in the European labor market.

The Banyan Tree previously obtained the KA110 accreditation with which it developed the "Kenko Life" project, and in this instance we wish to continue and expand our participation in the European Solidarity Corps. With the current Quality Label, The Banyan Tree intends to implement a long-term plan that includes both individual and group volunteer projects.

'The Banyan Tree' es una asociación con un equipo exepcional e instalaciones únicas en Finca Santa Clara, Brihuega. Algunas de las actividades prácticas de la organización incluyen yoga, meditación, cocina vegetariana, música, arte y filosofía, agricultura sostenible y prácticas de desperdicio cero.

The Banyan Tree se dedica a lo que se ha denominado "corporate wellness", lo que podría tomarse fácilmente como una estrategia de marketing pero, sin embargo es una metodología efectiva de mejora de calidad de vida aplicado a organizaciones juveniles, y una forma de incorporar las prácticas de desarrollo personal a las actividades de educación no formal y de solidaridad. Creemos que una actividad de educación no formal solidaria en relación con un estilo de vida saludable puede mejorar enormemente el futuro de los voluntarios, tanto a nivel personal y profesional.

Cinco prácticas clave constituyen el núcleo del programa que ofrecemos a nuestros voluntarios:

1-Promover una cultura y las prácticas de bienestar, entre jóvenes, trabajadores juveniles y emprendedores juveniles
2- Desarrollar programas de salud personalizados, potenciados por una estrategia a largo plazo
3- Promover actividades en el área de salud, el bienestar y el emprendimiento sostenible entre la juventud
4- Promover un estilo de vida activo, beneficioso para la vida personal y profesional de los voluntarios.
5-Ayudar a los voluntarios a encontrar proyectos y trabajos que los motiven y apoyen su desarrollo en el mercado laboral europeo.

  • Ova organizacija nosi oznaku kvalitete Europskih snaga solidarnosti. Oznaka kvalitete potvrđuje da organizacija može voditi projekte u skladu s načelima i ciljevima Europskih snaga solidarnosti.

Opseg Volontiranju

Uloga Vrijedi do
Hosting 31/12/2027
Potpora 31/12/2027

Vodeća organizacija

PIC: 916778817 OID: E10002351

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