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Accredited organisation


99-101 James Baucher street, Office 2, 1407, SOFIA, Bugarska


Opis organizacije

Can you is a non-profit organization that seeks to support and promote activities related to education and development of young people, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds. The organization aims to enhance the social and spiritual wellbeing of the target group and to protect their legal rights and interests. The organization operates using a variety of techniques, methods and practices from non-formal education and training, including many practices from coaching. The President of the organisation is a successful career coach and trainer and has a lot of experience in working with young people and supporting them in their personal and professional development.
Among the main objectives of the organisation are:
• The development of civil society in Bulgaria in the field of culture, education, sport and information technology;
• Active participation in the initiation and implementation of programs and projects at local, regional and national levels aimed at supporting and improving the lifestyle and living environment of young people in Bulgaria;
• Strengthening the active participation of young people in decision-making and equal development in society by changing policies and institutional practices at local and national level;
• Developing the capacity of young people through non-formal education
• Promotion of consistent, proactive, responsive and accountable public policy that provides for the young people's access to quality education and social services;
• Supply, implementation and assistance in the implementation of specific projects and programs promoting development of young people and disadvantaged people;
• Mediation and support the process of communication, exchange of experience with public funds operating in the country and abroad, establishment of business contacts;

Područja uključenosti

Ova je organizacija spremna uključiti volontere kojima njihova situacija otežava sudjelovanje u aktivnostima iz sljedećih kategorija za različite vrste projekata:

  • Kulturne razlike
  • Geografske prepreke
  • Socijalne prepreke
  • Ova organizacija nosi oznaku kvalitete Europskih snaga solidarnosti. Oznaka kvalitete potvrđuje da organizacija može voditi projekte u skladu s načelima i ciljevima Europskih snaga solidarnosti.

Opseg Volontiranju

Uloga Vrijedi do
Hosting 31/12/2027
Potpora 31/12/2027
PIC: 918759848 OID: E10043191

Područja organizacije

Državljanstvo i demokratsko sudjelovanje

