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Accredited organisation

Cooperativa sociale educativa Lina Schwarz Onlus

Via Delma 26, 25050, Rodengo Saiano, Italija - +39 030 6810542

Opis organizacije

Our "Libera Scuola Waldorf" is a Steiner-pedagogy school, with kindergarden. There are 8 classes of primary and middle school, plus 2 classes of kindergarden. The school was funded in 2010 with 20 pupils and it has grown ever since, having now reached 120 pupils. The Waldorf pedagogy aims at raising open-minded kids, capable of thinking outside of preset schemes of the traditional school. Our curriculum provides an enriching child-centred learning experience that focuses on the academic, creative, physical and emotional development of the whole child. We believe that it’s not enough to give a child the knowledge to pass an exam; we must inspire them to love learning so they will be equipped to meet whatever challenge life throws at them in the future. We offer a wide range of subjects: Italian, Maths, Science, Art and two foreign languages (English and German) from the first grade because we believe that the sentence "think global, act local" is what we want for our pupils and we want them to truly experience new cultures.
Academic instruction is always integrated with the visual and plastic arts, crafts, music (singing and orchestra) and movement, we offer Painting, Beeswax Modelling, Crayon Drawing, Knitting, Crochet as well as Woodwork, because we have a beautiful carpenter's shop in our garden; Social, Ecological and Environmental Studies are also important in the form of Farming and Gardening.
All this artistic offer is truly enriching for the kids, but not just for them, it's also inspiring for the volunteers who come to our school. For the past 4 years we have hosted volunteers coming through a German organization, called Freunde der Erziehungkunst. Freunde der Erziehungkunst is a sending organization based in Germany and our school has been their partner since 2015. We share the same values and goals in this volunteering project.

Područja uključenosti

Ova je organizacija spremna uključiti volontere kojima njihova situacija otežava sudjelovanje u aktivnostima iz sljedećih kategorija za različite vrste projekata:

  • Kulturne razlike
  • Ova organizacija nosi oznaku kvalitete Europskih snaga solidarnosti. Oznaka kvalitete potvrđuje da organizacija može voditi projekte u skladu s načelima i ciljevima Europskih snaga solidarnosti.

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Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 905900655 OID: E10028592

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