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Accredited organisation

ZERAP Germany e.V.

ZERAP Germany

Straße der Freundschaft 2, 15518, Steinhöfel, Saksa - +4930609881080

Järjestön kuvaus

ZERAP Germany has the aim to promote a zero emission economy and supports villages and communities in identifying sustainable economic opportunities to create democratic, inspiring perspectives for a balanced future. We work with schools and kindergarten groups (focus: sustainable agriculture and food systems) on the one hand, and with villages and groups of committed citizens in implementing their projects on the other. We have developed a platform where people that want to get things moving find videos and tutoring for all possible situations that typically happen during the course of a project from beginning to finish - supported by the federal ministry of family/youth/elderly (BMFSFJ) as well as the federal ministry for the environment (BMU) (refer to Our target group are people who want to make a difference and change things for the better - in other words: everybody!

  • Tällä organisaatiolla on Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukkojen laatumerkki. Laatumerkki varmistaa, että organisaatio kykenee järjestämään Euroopan solidaarisuusjoukkojen periaatteiden ja tavoitteiden mukaisia hankkeita.

Toiminnan muoto vapaaehtoistyö

Rooli Voimassaolo päättyy
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 898906664 OID: E10006411

Järjestön toimialat

Maa- ja metsätalous, kalastus

Community development

Rural development and urban regeneration