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Accredited organisation

ZERAP Germany e.V.

ZERAP Germany

Straße der Freundschaft 2, 15518, Steinhöfel, Vokietija - +4930609881080

Organizacijos aprašas

ZERAP Germany has the aim to promote a zero emission economy and supports villages and communities in identifying sustainable economic opportunities to create democratic, inspiring perspectives for a balanced future. We work with schools and kindergarten groups (focus: sustainable agriculture and food systems) on the one hand, and with villages and groups of committed citizens in implementing their projects on the other. We have developed a platform where people that want to get things moving find videos and tutoring for all possible situations that typically happen during the course of a project from beginning to finish - supported by the federal ministry of family/youth/elderly (BMFSFJ) as well as the federal ministry for the environment (BMU) (refer to Our target group are people who want to make a difference and change things for the better - in other words: everybody!

  • Organizacija turi Europos solidarumo korpuso kokybės ženklą. Kokybės ženklu patvirtinama, kad organizacija yra pasirengusi vykdyti projektus laikydamasi Europos solidarumo korpuso principų ir tikslų.

Taikymo sritis Savanorišką veiklą

Funkcija Galiojimo pabaigos data
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 898906664 OID: E10006411

Organizacijos veiklos sritys

Žemės ūkis, miškininkystė ir žuvininkystė

Community development

Rural development and urban regeneration