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Accredited organisation




WWW.KALISTRATIA.ORG - +393280336093

Organisatsiooni kirjeldus:

We want to give to joungers the opportunities to experience practical activities in nature.
We encourage daily voluntary work in the field of permaculture and green building, and take care of natural surroundings. Informing and forming. In other words, we do all environmental activities with the aim of raising awareness among local communities, individual citizens. For example, recycle as much as possible, avoid packaging, planting of native trees and plants appropriate, so We look forward to assisting in the diminishment of rural exodus through re-establishing agriculture ecologically and the enhancement of eco-tourism.
Therefore the volunteers we seek are people who believe in the power of nature as an entity over the parts that must be respected in any form. Therefore we wish to adhere to our association people who daily do something to avoid polluting the planet earth. Let's start from the principle that we will not change the world but we will change ourselves.
So we start to go as little as possible to the supermarket. We produce beer, wine, soap; We make Pizza, bread etc., We cultivate the land to harvest fruit and vegetables. The goal is to take up the ancient traditions of living life using technology that can be useful. By adopting this approach we live better because it is gratifying to gather our fruits and know the right value of things for subsistence, as a consequence We produce less packaging and do less kilometers. Obviously we have a long way to go, we still depend on the supermarket but compared to 5 years ago, now we have a lifestyle that pollutes less. Obviously we are constantly evolving to learn from other experts what are the methods to reduce our carbon footprint because there is no general rule, every environment must adapt to the specific needs of man and vice versa.
The purpose of the Association is the design and execution of programs and actions aimed at:
- Defense of the territory as well as the natural values of the Calabria in general.
- Cooperation with public or private entities in case of social need and ecological catastrophe.
- Conservation of natural resources and the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the "Parco
delle Serre Calabre" Natural Reserve.
- Research for the management of natural resources (species and habitats) and cultural heritage.
- Recognize and respond better to these social, economic, environmental, and climate changes.
- Sustainable development of the territory through social empowerment actions: public participation,
volunteering, social action and custody of the territory.
- To favor the relations of cooperation and solidarity between small villages of the Calabrian
hinterland and European partners.
- Environmental education enabling citizens to more fully comprehend and respect these natural
processes and phenomena.
- To favor the activities of social integration, fight against poverty and encourage the development of the integration of sports, cultural and leisure activities in nature.
- Collaborate with public and private companies in activities to raise awareness of the population with sustainable development and the development of corporate social responsibility programs.
-Collaborate with other organizations.

  • See organisatsioon omab Euroopa solidaarsuskorpuse kvaliteedimärgist. Kvaliteedimärgis kinnitab, et organisatsioon juhib projekte kooskõlas Euroopa solidaarsuskorpuse põhimõtete ja eesmärkidega.

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