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Accredited organisation



via della Fontana 7, 70019, Triggiano, Taliansko - +390802045945

Opis organizácie

AL.I.C.E. (AL.I.C.E. Integrated Alternatives Against Marginalisation) is a social cooperative of type A, founded in 2007 by a group of women with different backgrounds, experiences and work paths, but united by the desire to be an active part in the socio-cultural system of Puglia region.
"Alice in Wonderland" by L. Carrol was the starting point for the adventure of the cooperative, a sort of guide for our creative journey towards self-esteem, independence and creation.
Alice's journey is strongly characterized by a spirit of exploration and curiosity, it is a journey towards the discovery of their own identity. From an initial moment of indolence and boredom, the character starts to run after the rabbit, moved only by curiosity. Curiosity, research, will be the same source that
will lead her to open all doors, to eat or drink everything she finds, to venture into risky dialogues.
Alice's journey perfectly describes the mood that moves our work: questioning, confrontation, contamination, and no comfort-zone.
In 2010, the Expressive Arts Area was developed to promote design in the cultural and artistic fields. Making and enjoying Art as a real and substantial engine of social change, involving different targets.
Local, regional, national and international cultural and artistic realities. The cooperative is committed to:

• Promote and act for the active inclusion of vulnerable people and people at risk of marginalisation on the local territory;
• Foster the exercise of citizenship rights by socially vulnerable groups;
• Develop innovative welfare solutions of interaction between public, private for-profit and non-profit sectors, with the aim of creating sustainable interventions that meet the main contemporary social challenges;
• Support artistic and socio-cultural projects and production in different fields, with heterogeneous targets.

Témy v oblasti začlenenia

Táto organizácia má záujem zapojiť do rôznych typov projektov dobrovoľníkov z nasledujúcich kategórií, ktorých situácia sťažuje ich účasť na činnostiach:

  • Kultúrne rozdiely
  • Problémy súvisiace so vzdelávaním
  • Táto organizácia je držiteľom značky kvality Európskeho zboru solidarity. Značka kvality potvrdzuje, že daná organizácia dokáže realizovať projekty v súlade so zásadami a cieľmi Európskeho zboru solidarity.

Rozsah Dobrovoľníctvo

Úloha Dátum skončenia platnosti
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 898964670 OID: E10007054

Témy organizácie

Equality and non-discrimination

European identity and values
