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Accredited organisation

Ananda Marga Yoga Society

84 Ananda Marga Saint Albert , GZR 1154, Gzira, Malta - +35699285236

Opis organizacije

Ananda Marga Yoga Society is a non-profit organization, established thirty years ago in Malta. AMYS derives its inspiration from Neohumanism, an approach in individual and collective life that extends respect for all life, from human to animals, plants and the environment. Our motto is Self Development and Service to Society and we envision a world where people care for all beings and the environment. To achieve this, we are guided by our core values of integrity, accountability, compassion, altruism, solidarity and universalism.
To this end, AMYS undertakes and supports activities that improve the quality of life through greater inner and social awareness. This includes regular free classes on meditation and yoga, workshops on ethics and civics, non-formal and informal learning for children and adolescents, (yoga, computer, art, drama, music, sport etc) and training of local and international volunteers, by providing volunteer opportunities to anyone interested in lifelong learning. Our aim is to nurture human potential whenever possible with special focus on people who are socially or economically disadvantaged. To this end, AMYS supports and collaborates with other organisations with similar aims, among them Centru Tbexbix and Prout Malta. This is done by sharing professional trainers and volunteers for mutual capacity building.
AMYS also organises regular trainings and courses for students and youth from all backgrounds. Topics differ but are all in line with our principles of personal and collective development and service to society.
Being a non-profit organisation, AMYS depends on donations, fund-raising events (like vegetarian dinners, concerts) and cooperation with partners for its activities and operations. Currently, we are also looking into local and EU grants for additional support.

Područja uključenosti

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Economic obstacles
  • Geographical obstacles
  • Social obstacles
  • Ova organizacija nosi oznaku kvalitete Europskih snaga solidarnosti. Oznaka kvalitete potvrđuje da organizacija može voditi projekte u skladu s načelima i ciljevima Europskih snaga solidarnosti.

Opseg Volontiranju

Uloga Vrijedi do
Hosting 31/12/2027
Potpora 31/12/2027
PIC: 897050763 OID: E10226140

Područja organizacije

Community development

Obrazovanje i osposobljavanje

Zdravlje i dobrobit