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Accredited organisation

Yenişehir Belediyesi

Local Goverment

Limonluk Mahallesi, Vali Hüseyin Aksoy Caddesi No:3, 33120 Yenişehir Mersin, 33120, Mersin, Turecko - +905054813555

Popis organizace:

The Municipality of Yenişehir has a public legal personality with administrative and financial autonomy, which was published in the Official Gazette No. 5393, established to meet the local common needs of the residents under the Municipal Law. The decision-making body of this municipality was chosen by public voters. Yenişehir Municipality has a
surface area of 10140 hectares. The population of Yenişehir Municipality is 258,694 according to 2018 Address Based Population Statistics. 48.2% of this population is male and 51.8% are female. It has 32 neighbourhoods. There are a total of 118 thousand settlement and 10,000 workplaces. Although Yenişehir Municipality has a short history of a quarter-century, it has grown and developed very fast due to its location in the centre of Mersin. According to the Human Development Index, which measures the level of development not only as an income but also by taking into account the variables of education, health, culture and social life; Yenişehir Municipality is the most developed district of Mersin province. According to Turkey in 2017 and 2016 as well as data in general; This district, which is at the 64th rank, is among the districts with high development according to the Human Development Index. When the dimensions that make up this index are analyzed, it may be possible to see more successful and problematic areas of this development. Indeed, according to the Education Index, our district is displayed at 27th throughout Turkey. Nevertheless, it appeared behind the district of Mezitli, which has a high level of human development in this area. When the Governance and Transparency Index and the Economic Status Index are analyzed, Yenişehir rises to the 59th rank with five steps.
Yenisehir Municipality performs or has it made the development of economy and trade services. When necessary, it gives young people sports equipment to promote sports; provides in-kind and cash assistance to amateur sports clubs and provides the necessary support, organizes all kinds of amateur sports events; It can award students, athletes, technical managers and coaches who have achieved a high degree in domestic and international competitions with the decision of
city council. It can also do food banking.
There are a total of 372 personnel in Yenişehir Municipality. The distribution of this personnel by positions include 152 personnel (87 Men, 65 Women) as civil servants, 207 personnel (186 Men, 21 Women) as employee, 13 personnel (9 Men, 4 Women) as contracted personnel. 16 of this personnel are handicapped.
The authorities and concessions of the municipality are:
a) To carry out all kinds of activities and initiatives in order to meet the local companionate needs of the residents.
b) To issue regulations within the framework of the authority given by the laws to the municipality, to put and implement municipal bans and to give the penalties specified in the law.
c) To give permission or license specified in the laws regarding the activities of real and legal persons.
d) To make the assessment, accrual and collection of the taxes, duties, fees, contributions and participation shares of the municipality pursuant to special laws; To collect the receivables of natural gas, water, wastewater service receivables required to be collected according to the provisions of private law other than taxes, duties and fees.
e) Subject to the right of acquis; providing drinking, utility and industrial water; ensuring removal of wastewater and
rainwater; establishing, constructing and operating or have operated the necessary facilities for these; operating or have
spring waters operated.
f) To make public transportation; For this purpose, to establish, regulate, operate and provide all kinds of public transportation systems including bus, marine transportation vehicles, tunnels, rail systems.
g) To perform and provide all services related to the collection, transportation, separation, recovery, elimination and storage of solid wastes.
h) To determine the number of service and public transportation vehicles, taxi numbers, ticket fares and timetables, time and routes operated on land, marine and railway; to determine and operate of renting the car parks on the roads, main roads, streets, avenues, squares and similar places; To carry out all the works required by the traffic regulations given by the laws to the municipalities.
k) The municipality may conduct public opinion polls and investigations to determine the views and opinions of the residents regarding municipal services.

Zaměření v rámci začleňování

Tato organizace je ochotná přijmout pro různé typy projektů dobrovolníky, kteří se nacházejí v situaci, která jim účast na dobrovolnických aktivitách komplikuje, a to z následujících kategorií:

  • Kulturní odlišnosti
  • Zdravotní postižení
  • Překážky ekonomického charakteru
  • Tato organizace získala značku kvality Evropského sboru solidarity. Značka kvality potvrzuje, že organizace je schopna realizovat projekty v souladu se zásadami a cíli Evropského sboru solidarity.

Oblast působnosti Dobrovolnická činnost

Úloha Platnost
Hosting 31/12/2027
Poskytovatel podpory 31/12/2027
PIC: 897310626 OID: E10232486

Zaměření organizace

Community development


Tělesná výchova a sport