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Accredited organisation


ESN Italia

Via Anastasio II 80, 00165, ROMA, Italija - +393885711263

Opis organizacije

Erasmus Student Network Italy is the Italian level of the Erasmus Student Network AISBL (ESN), one of the biggest European student organisation whose main aim is to promote and support the international mobility amongst students.
ESN Italy is a non-profit organisation that works as the administrative and coordinating body of the 53 ESN sections on the Italian territory. It was officially founded in 1994 by the members of the 7 oldest Italian ESN sections, to give a stronger continuity and coordination to their regular activities.

With about 2000 volunteers, the aims of ESN Italy are:
- To welcome foreign students who come to Italy for a study visit in one of the Italian universities, supporting them in finding accommodation, mentoring, and organising events to promote their integration in the hosting country;
- To inform the local students about the European programmes’ opportunities, with a specific focus on exchanges between universities;
- To implement projects in line with the main objectives of the Erasmus+ Programme.

Mostly, ESN volunteers are students who went abroad for a mobility experience and who want to dedicate their knowledge and time to those who come to Italy for their study experience in an Italian university. Also, being part of the ESN community offers the possibility to develop a wide range of skills, such as teamwork and communication skills - by being part of the events’ organisation committees, working groups, local boards etc.

Područja uključenosti

Ova je organizacija spremna uključiti volontere kojima njihova situacija otežava sudjelovanje u aktivnostima iz sljedećih kategorija za različite vrste projekata:

  • Ekonomske prepreke
  • Geografske prepreke
  • Socijalne prepreke
  • Ova organizacija nosi oznaku kvalitete Europskih snaga solidarnosti. Oznaka kvalitete potvrđuje da organizacija može voditi projekte u skladu s načelima i ciljevima Europskih snaga solidarnosti.

Opseg Volontiranju

Uloga Vrijedi do
Hosting 31/12/2027
Potpora 31/12/2027
PIC: 944581248 OID: E10191260

Područja organizacije

Državljanstvo i demokratsko sudjelovanje

Employability and entrepreneurship

Skills development