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Accredited organisation

Zoologická zahrada Liberec, prispevkova organizace

Zoo Liberec

Lidové sady 425/1, 460 01, Liberec, Tšehhi Vabariik - +420778717788

Organisatsiooni kirjeldus:

Zoo Liberec was founded in 1904 and is the oldest zoo in the Czech Republic. During more than one hundred years of existence, it has undergone a significant transformation not only in the composition of farmed animals, but also in its focus, role and mission. The menagerie and the small zoo became a modern and respected zoo focused primarily on comprehensive biodiversity conservation and environmental education. The mission of the Liberec Zoo is to draw people into the animal world as it is - unique, varied and endangered. Protect this world while enjoying, amusing and educating people.
The organization also includes the Environmental Education Center DIVIZNA, Center for Animals in Need - ARCHA and the Cultural Center Lidové sady. The DIVIZNA centre focuses on educational and enlightenment activities on behalf of the Zoo.

We believe that volunteering in our organization is a great opportunity for young people because of the variety of activities we do and that youngsters can find a perfect fit for themselves and would be able to develop their skills and competencies with us according to their specific needs. Another reason is that Liberec is the fifth largest city in the Czech Republic and offers a lot of sports and cultural activities. It is also known as a student city. There is the Technical University of Liberec which has around 7 000 students enrolled at seven faculties and one specialized institute and many Erasmus + students and interns. The city is dominated by Ještěd Tower on Ještěd hill and located just one hour by bus from Prague.

The Environmental Education Center DIVIZNA implements more than 300 educational programs, through which thousands of children from kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools go through. It offers approximately fifty different programs with different environmental themes. Together with the Liberec Zoo, DIVIZNA provides methodological assistance to Environmental Education, Enlightenment and Education (EVVO*) coordinators at schools, prepare methodological aids for other zoos and coordinate networks of schools in the Liberec Region with an interest in environmental education. In 2017, it successfully passed the certification process and gained the title EV + (Certified Provider of Environmental Education). *EVVO is an internationally recognized field that has been developing in the Czech Republic for decades. To achieve its goals, the Czech Republic has gradually developed a system, embedded in policies and strategic documents, funded at various levels, based on the cooperation of various actors from public administration, schools, other educators, research institutions and other EVVO providers.

The Liberec Zoo also helps wild animals from the Czech landscape through its ARCHA rescue station. Every year, more than a thousand disabled individuals are recruited and treated by emergency services workers who are temporarily or permanently unable to survive in the wild due to injury, illness or other circumstances.

The Cultural Center Lidové sady hosts concerts, theatre performances, balls, exhibitions etc. as well as regular meetings of CCBC coalition members whose main partner is the Liberec Zoo.

The Czech Coalition for Biodiversity Cooperation (CCBC) comprises various projects and NGOs active in the field of biodiversity conservation and development assistance. By organizing conferences, workshops and networking events it creates space for exchanging experiences, information and ideas to better understand the challenges of today’s world and promote cooperation among its members. Its seat is in Prague.

Concerning the projects within the European Solidarity Corps, Zoo Liberec (Hosting organization) cooperates with United Vision (Supporting organization) in the Czech Republic.

United Vision is a non-profit organization focusing on rural development, education, nature conservation and volunteering in the Czech Republic and abroad. The organization focuses on youth mobility in the field of environmental and language education and also promotes national and international volunteering activities. Its aim is to promote sustainable development and international cooperation through education. Concerning the European Solidarity Corps projects, United Vision serves as a hub for other organizations in the Czech Republic (including Zoo Liberec) that want to host volunteers, but do not have the capacity to go through a complex administration. United Vision is also a founding member of CCBC coalition.

The Zoo also places great emphasis on the conservation of fauna and flora in the wild, i.e. in places of their natural occurrence - the so-called IN-SITU protection. Zoo Liberec is involved in many field conservation projects around the world and with its insitu projects focuses primarily on Indonesia, the Philippines and Central Africa. The organization has been active there through its field zoologists for many years and has achieved significant conservation successes.

Kaasamise teemad

See organisatsioon on nõus kaasama vabatahtlikke, kelle isiklik olukord muudab nende osalemise tegevuses keerukamaks, eri liiki projektide jaoks järgmistest kategooriatest:

  • Majanduslikud takistused
  • Geograafilised takistused
  • See organisatsioon omab Euroopa solidaarsuskorpuse kvaliteedimärgist. Kvaliteedimärgis kinnitab, et organisatsioon juhib projekte kooskõlas Euroopa solidaarsuskorpuse põhimõtete ja eesmärkidega.

Tegevuse suund Vabatahtlik tegevus

Veereta Kehtivusaja lõpp
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 897111485 OID: E10222170

Organisatsiooni valdkond

Climate action, environment and nature protection

Haridus ja koolitus