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Accredited organisation

Servizio dei Gesuiti per i Rifugiati JRS


BORGO SANTO SPIRITO, 4, 00193, Rome, Itálie - +393287872154

Popis organizace:

The Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) is a ministry of the Society of Jesus, incorporated as an international nongovernmental organisation with a mission to accompany, serve, and advocate for the rights of refugees and forcibly displaced people. The organisation was founded in November 1980 and now has a presence in over 50 countries.
JRS was officially registered as a foundation of the Vatican City State on 19 March 2000. Each JRS national country office has its own legal personality in the country it is based in.
The Autonomous Foundation Jesuit Refugee Service has been approved by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 18 September 2009 to operate in the field of cooperation with developing countries. It has been recognized eligible for the following types of activities:

1. Implementation of programs of short and medium term in developing countries
2. Training of citizens of developing countries
3. Information

It is a registered Civil Society Organization in the register of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation since May 2018, which allows to the JRS to apply to call for proposals issued by the Agency headquarters or by its field offices operating in 20 countries.

It is also inscribed in the register of legal entities kept in the Territorial Office of the Government of Rome with number 224/2003.

The International Director, the Deputy International Director, and the ten Regional Directors make up the Senior Leadership Team, who meet formally twice a year to discuss JRS operations and issues of global concern.

Our Vision
A world where refugees and other forcibly displaced people attain protection, opportunity, and participation.

Our Way
JRS believes that our journeying with refugees is the most important way for us to express our solidarity with them and our concern for their wellbeing. In a world where refugees are more than ever in need of welcome, protection, and justice, and yet are increasingly rejected, demonised, and denied their fundamental human rights, JRS offers accompaniment to refugees as a sign of hope and a way towards healing. In even the most desperate of situations, we remain with refugees to assure them that the world has not forgotten them, and that they are not alone.
Our priorities for the period 2019-2023 are in the areas of:

1. Reconciliation: in a spirit of welcome and hospitality, a communal expression of social cohesion and promotion of reconciliation, understood as “recreating right relationships.”
2. Education: The delivery of quality formal and informal education that fosters agency among forcibly displaced people, focused through the Global Education Initiative (GEI). The GEI includes a commitment to increase those JRS educates from 150,000 to 250,000 by 2020.
3. Livelihoods: Innovative livelihoods programmes focused on self-reliance and sustainability.
4. Advocacy: Effective advocacy for the rights of refugees.

Zaměření v rámci začleňování

Tato organizace je ochotná přijmout pro různé typy projektů dobrovolníky, kteří se nacházejí v situaci, která jim účast na dobrovolnických aktivitách komplikuje, a to z následujících kategorií:

  • Překážky ekonomického charakteru
  • Uprchlíci
  • Tato organizace získala značku kvality Evropského sboru solidarity. Značka kvality potvrzuje, že organizace je schopna realizovat projekty v souladu se zásadami a cíli Evropského sboru solidarity.

Oblast působnosti Dobrovolnická činnost

Úloha Platnost
Hosting 31/12/2027
Poskytovatel podpory 31/12/2027
PIC: 899411355 OID: E10227781

Zaměření organizace

Equality and non-discrimination

Zdraví a dobré životní podmínky

Territorial cooperation and cohesion