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Accredited organisation

Asociación El Puchero de Villasur

El Puchero de Villasur

Plaza del centro 15, 09199, Villasur de Herreros, Burgos, Španělsko - +34679857663

Popis organizace:

El Puchero de Villasur is a non-profit association founded in 2018 by an initiative for the close and conscious supply of food from the biological gardens of Villasur de Herreros (Burgos) following the methods of organic farming and recovering animal traction for agricultural work. The aim of the association is to establish a direct relationship between production and consumption, thanks to which a deep knowledge between the two parties is facilitated, as well as problems related to production and its impact on the territory. With El Puchero we aim to reconnect people with the land through food and in this way the consumption has a positive impact on the territory and its inhabitants. In this way we are able to give new life to the land that is now in disuse, to obtain healthy and close food and to provide sustenance for people living in the rural environment. The objectives of the association are the following:

- to facilitate the close and conscious offer of agro-ecological food and artisanal products, creating direct links between consumers and producers;
- to contribute to the establishment of a new type of farmer who lives in harmony with the territory;
- promoting initiatives for the revitalisation of rural areas;
- promoting agro-ecological and food sovereignty activities, initiatives and projects;
- to manage training, education and promotion of territorial, environmental and agricultural knowledge;
- promote social events and celebrations related to agro-ecology, agricolture and rural culture;
- to set up local partnerships with entities that share the same values as us for synergistic action;
- carry out projects for the care and protection of the territory and the environment;
- generate links between the urban and rural areas;
- contribute to the revaluation of the rural area and the promotion of environmentally friendly lifestyles.

The association';s action is aimed at the whole population, anyone interested in organic farming, agricolture field and about the rediscovery of traditions, as well as the rural environment. We are a young association made up of young people and it is more to our peers who we address our action, for a revitalisation of the rural areas and the rediscovery of more sustainable lifestyles.

Zaměření v rámci začleňování

Tato organizace je ochotná přijmout pro různé typy projektů dobrovolníky, kteří se nacházejí v situaci, která jim účast na dobrovolnických aktivitách komplikuje, a to z následujících kategorií:

  • Překážky ekonomického charakteru
  • Překážky zeměpisného charakteru
  • Překážky sociálního charakteru
  • Tato organizace získala značku kvality Evropského sboru solidarity. Značka kvality potvrzuje, že organizace je schopna realizovat projekty v souladu se zásadami a cíli Evropského sboru solidarity.

Oblast působnosti Dobrovolnická činnost

Úloha Platnost
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 892810408 OID: E10259770

Zaměření organizace

zemědělství, lesnictví a rybolov

Climate action, environment and nature protection

Rural development and urban regeneration