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Accredited organisation

Valdeorras Vive

C/ Real, nº 11, 32300, O Barco de Valdeorras, Španjolska - +34 656323603

Opis organizacije

Valdeorras Vive Youth Association was born in 2019 from the hand of a group of young people from O Barco de Valdeorras interested in preserving the environment and promoting sustainable development in the region of Valdeorras. It is currently working on organizing youth activities, volunteering, educational workshops and supporting all kinds of local initiatives. We are committed to education and awareness for a change towards a sustainable development model, carrying out various activities such as debates, collections of plastics, competitions, collections of signatures or didactic reforestations with native trees.

Despite being a young association, we have the enthusiasm and ideas necessary to continue growing with a common purpose: to create an exciting and sustainable future for young people in one of the oldest regions of Europe, such as the interior of the province of Ourense, and more specifically Valdeorras. We want to spread learning and development alternatives, as well as create activities and exchanges that have a positive impact for everyone. We started with simple and easy experiences to carry out, such as cleaning garbage near the Sil river or collecting signatures to create a new pedestrian area in O Barco de Valdeorras, but they had a revealing meaning of the change we want to see in our community. Currently, and thanks to the opportunities offered by the Erasmus + program, we collaborate with other associations, municipalities and local entities, as well as with organizations inside and outside Europe, to carry out youth exchanges and other projects.

  • Ova organizacija nosi oznaku kvalitete Europskih snaga solidarnosti. Oznaka kvalitete potvrđuje da organizacija može voditi projekte u skladu s načelima i ciljevima Europskih snaga solidarnosti.

Opseg Volontiranju

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Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 898173441 OID: E10214362

Područja organizacije

Community development

Obrazovanje i osposobljavanje

Rural development and urban regeneration