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Accredited organisation


Corralito CCA

Avenida Jaime I, 95, 1º , 08226, Terrassa, Spanja - +34645861578

Deskrizzjoni tal-Organizzazzjoni

El Corralito CCA is a community of creative young people who have been developing projects in the field of art and culture since 2015 in the city of Terrassa. The project was formalized as an association in 2017, and is based on facilitating and supporting the artistic creation of the young people of the city, developing activities and events, which position people and their ability to act as protagonists, offering an alternative circuit to the artistic and cultural services of the city of Terrassa. The objectives of the association are specific:
-Promote resources related to art and culture in Terrassa.
-Support the creation and dissemination of local artists.
-Generate a multidisciplinary space for artists that opens new paths in the investigation and experimentation of contemporary art.
-Encourage collaborative practice in artistic creation with a social commitment, with the territory and the environment.
-Powering the network of entities from the world of art and culture in the city of Terrassa.

Regarding the main activities that Corralito CCA currently develops are:
- Exhibitions and events to show local artistic creation. Among the different sample projects, the most important activity is called "La Qlectiva", a consolidated sample since 2016, which has been running 12 editions, a highly recognized event in the city of Terrassa.
- We carry out workshops, seminars and training activities related to experimentation in the visual arts.
- Youth mobility projects through the Erasmus + program, in which we focus on sending young people in risk situations or facing difficulties in the city to projects that are related to art and culture.
- We welcome projects within the Corralito artistic creation space, through open calls, where different artists and their own creation projects are provided with the physical space and resources to carry them out.

Although we are a young association, we are the only one that carries out this type of activity in the city and we have the recognition and support of the majority of social actors and the public administration, thanks to the work we have carried out for years. Our activities are regular and set based on the objectives, and over the years the scope and quality of these has increased, responding to some of the needs we perceive from the young people of the city.

Suġġetti ta' inklużjoni

Din l-organizzazzjoni lesta tinvolvi voluntiera li qed jiffaċċjaw sitwazzjonijiet li jagħmlu l-parteċipazzjoni f'attivitajiet aktar diffiċli, minn dawn il-kategoriji li ġejjin għal tipi ta' proġetti differenti:

  • Differenzi kulturali
  • Ostakli soċjali
  • Refuġjati
  • Din l-organizzazzjoni għandha Tikketta tal-Kwalità tal-Korp Ewropew ta’ Solidarjetà. It-Tikketta tal-Kwalità tiċċertifika li l-organizzazzjoni tista’ twettaq proġetti f’konformità mal-prinċipji u l-objettivi tal-Korp Ewropew ta’ Solidarjetà.

Ambitu Volontarjat

Rwol Data ta' skadenza
Hosting 31/12/2027
Appoġġ 31/12/2027
PIC: 903248384 OID: E10159325

Suġġetti tal-organizzazzjoni

Community development

