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Accredited organisation



VIA DELLA MONTAGNOLA 69A , 60127, ANCONA, Italija - +393346994697

Opis organizacije

CSV Marche - Volunteer Support Centre of Marche Region is the volunteering regional network which pursues the qualification of volunteering organizations on the territory of Marche Region. CSV Marche membership base is more than 400 volunteering organizations. They elect the Board, composed only by volunteers and it defines the political guidelines of volunteering organizations. CSV staff is composed by 22 full time employees and by external experts. CSV has its seat in Ancona, 5 provincial head centres (Pesaro, Ancona, Macerata, Fermo, Ascoli Piceno) and 19 secondary information desks. CSV Marche delivers free services such as administrative and fiscal advises, communication, promotion, support to project development and to collaboration with public administration and other local entities, also through thematic networks. CSV MARCHE budget amounts around two millions euros.
The operational philosophy of the Centre is to add value to the local resources already through networking activities allowing the experiences and the assets of volunteering to expand and gain value among groups and associations. Voluntary organizations have indeed specific competences in their fields of intervention which can contribute to a mutual enrichment of ongoing experiences:
PROMOTION - Actions aimed at spreading the knowledge and practice of active volunteering and the culture of solidarity through:
- Guidance activities to individuals and groups interested in engaging with volunteering.
- Promotion of volunteering among young people through the project "School & Volunteering".
- Promotion of local and European thematic networks.
- Organization of thematic events in all the region in collaboration with local associations and networks of no profit organizations.
- National Civil Service
CONSULTANCY AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT - Consultancy and support services on:
- Statues, Balance Sheet, registration to the regional Registry.
- Insurance, application forms and deadlines, conventions.
- Field normative, privacy obligation, health and safety in the workplace.
- Organizing and managing the association, labour legislation.
- Accounting and administrative assistance.
- Finance and Fundraising.
- Social accounting.
- Social communication and marketing.
- Documents filing and storage.
TRAINING - Implementation of training pathways and initiatives and qualified support to voluntary organizations through:
- Courses, seminars and meetings held at the provincial office and at associations' headquarters on specific field issues and on general technical and managerial aspects (accounting, I.T. literacy, rules and regulations, etc.).
- Consultancies and support to planning, promotion, organization and management of training activities of associations or volunteers and thematic networks.
- Training for people in charge, local project workers and young people involved in National Civil Service projects.
COMMUNICATION, INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION - Information, data, incentives and support through a range of instruments and services:
- , the portal on volunteering in the Marche region.
- Weekly newsletter, monographies, publications on volunteering.
- Instruments, series of publications on norms and other field issues aimed at the volunteering world.
- Research, studies, in-depth analyses and data diffusion on volunteering issues.
- Database on volunteering.
- Territorial and field maps of organizations.
- Documentation centre on volunteering and the third sector.
PLANNING - Competences and instruments useful for:
- Detection of funding sources.
- Building planning routes to participate to call for tenders (national, local, public and private).
- Europe Help-desk, training, detection of funding sources, search for partners, working groups, tutoring and technical help with planning, management and accounting.
- Support for co-planning of social and healthcare services within the Area Development Plan (Piani di Zona)( Law n. 328/2000).
- Innovative and experimental projects.
- Regional thematic networks, a privileged space for dialogue and social planning.
CSV MARCHE has an internal system of quality implemented through periodical accounting system.

Područja uključenosti

Ova je organizacija spremna uključiti volontere kojima njihova situacija otežava sudjelovanje u aktivnostima iz sljedećih kategorija za različite vrste projekata:

  • Invaliditet
  • Teškoće u učenju
  • Geografske prepreke
  • Ova organizacija nosi oznaku kvalitete Europskih snaga solidarnosti. Oznaka kvalitete potvrđuje da organizacija može voditi projekte u skladu s načelima i ciljevima Europskih snaga solidarnosti.

Opseg Volontiranju

Uloga Vrijedi do
Hosting 31/12/2027
Potpora 31/12/2027
PIC: 945218247 OID: E10026727

Područja organizacije

Državljanstvo i demokratsko sudjelovanje

Community development

Obrazovanje i osposobljavanje

European identity and values


Skills development