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Accredited organisation




Описание на организацията:

Proyecto Hombre Extremadura is a non-profit organization, was born in 1994, that works from a biopsychosocial approach based on the approach of people with addictive behaviors and their families, contributing to achieve their autonomy and social insertion. It works to be an effective, open and dynamic organization that offers answers and solutions to people with addictive behaviors in the field of prevention, treatment of addictions and/or maladaptive behaviors. The entity works with a method of intervention based on humanist philosophy, which consists in identifying the causes that induce the person to addiction. It is a Program of Intervention in Addictive Behaviors to be performed in Therapeutic Communities.

The programme is addressed to:

• People with problems of addictive behaviors who voluntarily demand treatment in Therapeutic Community, as well as those who have gone directly to the resource.
• People with addictive behavioural problems in whom temporary separation from their usual social environment was advisable.
• People with problems of addictive behaviors who lack socio-family support.
•People with previous failures in other treatment modalities.
• People with legal-penal problems susceptible of educational program.

Some of the values of the organization are : humanism, social commitment, solidarity, hope, transparency, professionalism and volunteering participation.


The PROYECTO HOMBRE Therapeutic Community is located on a farm in the mountain, 2 kilometers from the city of Plasencia. In it, people with problems of addictive behavior are treated, people from Plasencia, as well as from other municipalities.This space has ensured:
• The satisfaction of vital needs, helping the person with addictive behavioral problems feel safe, recognized and accepted, and therefore with the possibility to establish interpersonalrelationships and to gather social support to effect the change he/she needs.
• Containment against consumption.


In the Sanitary area:

• Carry out an evaluation and monitoring of the state of health.
• Promote training in health education.

In the Psychological area:

• Conduct a psychological evaluation.
• Encourage motivation for change.
• Extinguish maladaptive attitudes and behaviors by learning a repertoire of behaviors conducive to a healthy lifestyle.
• Teach behavioral and cognitive self-control strategies.
• Training in social skills, assertiveness, approach to interpersonal relationships.
• Carry out work on prevention.
• Encourage family intervention.

In the social area:

• Conduct a social assessment and diagnosis.
• Promote social and employment integration through coordination with other resources.
• Inform and facilitate access to other community resources.
• Motivate families to involve them in the intervention.
• Provide guidance and advice on criminal, administrative, economic and labour circumstances.
In the area of Occupational Training:
• Normalize self-care habits, interpersonal relationships, assumption of responsibilities and reflective capacity.
• Facilitate occupational and pre-occupational training.
• Encourage leisure and leisure activities


The activities that have been carried out, we classify them into two types:
- Activities in the area of treatment.
- Complementary activities.

Some of the activities carried out are:

1) Reception Programme
It is an outpatient resource that has a dual function. On the one hand, it welcomes and responds to the request for help and, on the other hand, it provides information to both the person with addictive behaviour and his or her family about the different resources available in order to satisfy the needs of the user with the most appropriate resource for his or her situation.

2) Therapeutic Community
This is a residential resource carried out in the Therapeutic Community, which aims to disable and rehabilitate people with addictive behaviors with or without substances, as well as learning skills, attitudes and values for social inclusion.
This is done around the clock, from Monday to Friday, by a multidisciplinary team made up of professionals in the field of drug addiction.
The programme also includes volunteers, who assist in the rehabilitation and change of users.

3)Reinsertion Programme
It is an outpatient resource where the person consolidates his or her process of family, social and work integration and reintegration, as well as moving away from the therapeutic program.
It is an educational process that allows each person to internalize a series of values, norms and strategies of the social group to which they are incorporated.

  • Тази организация притежава знак за качество на Европейския корпус за солидарност. Знакът за качество удостоверява, че организацията е в състояние да управлява проекти в съответствие с принципите и целите на Европейския корпус за солидарност.

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Функция Срок на действие
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 891289545 OID: E10266534

Теми на организацията

Community development


Inclusion of marginalised young people