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Accredited organisation



Plaza de Andalucía, 1, 21110, Aljaraque, Španjolska - +34685189551

Opis organizacije

The Aljaraque City Council is a local government; Its objective is to serve and protect the interests of the citizens of the municipality and, especially, the youth between 14 and 30 years of age. The motivation for requesting recognition of the CES seal is due to the impact it generates in working with young people and in our local community, giving an international dimension to our entity, as well as its actions, enhancing operational capacity, working in team, language practice. The young person will carry out volunteer work in the field of information and youth stimulation, as well as to promote equal opportunities between genders, encourage volunteering and associationism among young people and their employability, interculturality, etc. , all based on non-formal education.
The impact on the entity (internationalization, operational capacity, teamwork, language practice ...).
Impact for the local community (what the volunteer offers).
Impact for the volunteer (learning based on non-formal education, multilingualism and interculturality).

The main activities that we intend to carry out are based on intercultural learning, through non-formal education, European actions in order to promote youth participation in an international context, thus abolishing barriers between countries, reducing racism and promoting tolerance between cultures.

The objectives of our organization are:
- Facilitate the integration of young people in society by increasing and fostering their spirit of initiative.
- help youth to freely express their feeling of solidarity in Europe and the rest of the world, as well as support the fight against racism and xenophobia.
- Promote a greater understanding of the diversity of our common European culture and share both heritage and our common and core values
- Promotion of information and youth training.
- Encourage the creativity and talents of youth.
- Facilitate leisure and free time activities and healthy education.
- Promoting youth participation.
- Encourage the transition from youth to adult life, encouraging them to be autonomous adults.
- Promote entrepreneurship among youth.
- Create habits in active and healthy young people, allowing young people to participate in the community in a dynamic and committed way.
- Educate in values ​​and encourage empathy with others.
- Encourage the participation of youth in the different European youth programs.
-To remove young people from a sedentary life, helping them to find motivations in the field of studies or work.
- Collaborate with the Secondary Education Institutes of the municipality in various actions of interest.
- Collaborate with the youth association movement and advise on the constitution of new associations.
- Offer of actions and services related to ICTs among youth, through the Guadalinfo center.
- Unite all the local centers, organizations and institutions that have a relationship with young people so that they act together.
- Make information and advice services available to young people on issues of their interest, whether in the field: activities, courses, scholarships and study aids, aid for youth entrepreneurs, European programs for young people and others that may be of interest .

The participants of our projects correspond to young people of both sex between the ages of 14 and 30 years old, in school and out of school, and a large proportion are unemployed.

  • Ova organizacija nosi oznaku kvalitete Europskih snaga solidarnosti. Oznaka kvalitete potvrđuje da organizacija može voditi projekte u skladu s načelima i ciljevima Europskih snaga solidarnosti.

Opseg Volontiranju

Uloga Vrijedi do
Hosting 31/12/2027
Potpora 31/12/2027

Vodeća organizacija

OID: E10269403

Područja organizacije

Community development

European identity and values

Youth policy development