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Accredited organisation

ETS OdV Europa Solidale

Associazione Europa Solidale

Via Cavallotti, 103/A, 74123, Taranto, Италия - +39994005427

Описание на организацията:

The ETS OdVEuropa Solidale (EUSOL) was born in Taranto in 2016 as a Voluntary Association. A few months later, EUSOL acquired the ONLUS status and in 2019, it changed its statute to be compliant with the new National Third Sector Regulation.
The Association Europe Solidarity is enrolled in the Volunteer Service Center of the province of Taranto and in the lists of the Municipality of Taranto; currently, moreover, it is in the process of final registration in the lists of Voluntary Organizations of the Apulia Region. President of the Association "Europa Solidale" Onlus is Dr. Giuseppe Russo, medical neurologist.

The ETS ODV "Europa Solidale" Onlus operates with its volunteers in different fields of the third sector, mainly in the provision of free medical care to indigent patients, with a particular vocation to social dentistry the collection of leftover cooked food public offices or restaurants and delivery to the social canteen purchase and distribution of foodstuffs to people in need or to associations.

All activities are carried out by volunteers and are led by members of the Associations who own particular competencies and show specific sensitiveness and responsibility towards the local community. Just in this way, the Fablab project was conceived in 2020, replying to a public call opened by the Municipality of Taranto for the management of an Urban Fablab. Since February 2020, EUSOL is managing also the Taranto Makers Fablab, promoting the digital culture and competence to the young students in Taranto.

EUSOL has developed many collaborations in projects and activities with partners and local stakeholders. More specifically EUSOL works with the local schools, the local Municipality of Taranto, in particular the Social Services Department and Innovation Services Department, Polytechnic University of Bari, Local Port Authority as well as many private organizations such as other non-profit associations, startups, and companies.
EUSOL is proactive in proposing and participating in projects for the third sector.

  • Тази организация притежава знак за качество на Европейския корпус за солидарност. Знакът за качество удостоверява, че организацията е в състояние да управлява проекти в съответствие с принципите и целите на Европейския корпус за солидарност.

Вид дейност Доброволчество

Функция Срок на действие
Hosting 31/12/2027
OID: E10280109

Теми на организацията


Key competences development

Digital literacy, Information, constructive dialogue, fakenews