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Accredited organisation



PIAZZA GARIBALDI 3, 60019, Senigallia, Itaalia - +3907160274

Organisatsiooni kirjeldus:

Undicesimaora Onlus is a social cooperative founded in Senigallia (Marche Region) in December 2011, as a result of the collaboration between the Fondazione Caritas Senigallia Onlus and the Fondazione Maria Grazie Balducci Rossi per i più bisognosi Onlus.
The aim of Undicesimaora is to improve the quality of life of people experiencing hardship and poverty, through the creation of temporary workplaces, training and guiding to social reintegration.
Many families in recent years are experiencing the drama of unemployment and its many consequences: above all, the loss of human dignity, almost the meaninglessness of their existence. It is to this individual drama that Undicesimaora seeks to provide a social response.
It is also a 'new' aid and assistance methodology, which passes through 'a job', a 'putting the person in the game' without having to resort to dependency culture. The work projects aim to teach a useful trade for future economic and working independence. Undicesimaora has 2 main sectors: social agriculture and upcycling.
We manage fields, a warehouse 'Rikrea - Magazzino Solidale' in cooperation with Caritas, a carpentry and a unit for restoration and repair of furniture.
Other sectors that are of great importance to the cooperative are tourism, through the management of Camping Domus on the Senigallia seafront, and the strand of cultural projects. These projects have increased employment opportunities, involving not only people in difficulty, but also youngsters.

  • See organisatsioon omab Euroopa solidaarsuskorpuse kvaliteedimärgist. Kvaliteedimärgis kinnitab, et organisatsioon juhib projekte kooskõlas Euroopa solidaarsuskorpuse põhimõtete ja eesmärkidega.

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