Building Communities (BC) (.pdf version at the end)

Building Communities (BC) (.pdf version at the end)

OZ Stopy

Žilina, Slovakia

1 , Closed

Opis projektu

APPLICATION is OPEN - we are looking for FEMALE volunteer for long term shorted to 5-7 months - 01.04.2018 -31.10.2018) - possible variations This projcet is focused on supporting nonformal education and personal development of young people and youth workers through program activities. Voluntary Service will take place in ESCAPE club and in the REFLECT community center in the city of Žilina, where is place for our local work for children, youth and adults. The project is realized by the christian non-profit organization OZ Stopy in cooperation with Brethren Church ( free evangelical church) in Žilina, Slovakia. Volunteer can take part in various activities which are going on in ESCAPE: -concerts -outdoor activities -winter and summer camps for youth -youth groups with study of Bible or in Reflect: -KIDS club -MAMI club -activities for local church Volunteer can also create some project on his own if he/ she has certain idea.


Ubytovanie, strava a doprava

Volunteers are acccommodated in rent flat near the city center and both work places ( Escape and Kicko). Flat got its own living room, kitchen, bathroom and two other rooms. All cost matched with accommodation are paid by OZ Stopy. Food and pocket money: - volunteer will recieve 180€/month for food - also 95€/ month as pocket money Transport costs to Žilina at the beggining of the project and at the end of project are covered. Local transport to work places are not necessary because work places are max. 15 min of walking ( flat is located in near center of Žilina)


Odborná príprava počas projektu

During project there is training for volunteer provided by Slovak Institut of Youth in certain terms. At the end of project we would like to gain feedback. Volunteer will be invited to conferences, trainings and lessons about communities and relationships. These are with christian foundations. If volunteer is interested in learning some skills ( creating of projects, music, computer skills, photografy skills etc.), all he/she need to do is to let us know, we would gladly give him/her oportunity.


Profil dobrovoľníka

We are looking for volunteer from European Union countries. -Age 17 to 30 years -flexible -with sence of responsibility -with physical and mental health -with music, art, language, sportrs, organizational or computer skills ( or any other skills like this) -empathetic -with desire to learn new things -with communication skills -with moral purity Volunteer can apply these skills: -foreign language teaching -moderating -artistic expresions ( music, singing, painting etc.) -PC skills (graphics, videos, programing) -social work -relationship with children - babysitting


Ako sa prihlásiť

To be part of this project please send us Your CV and motivational letter where You describe who are You, why You want to participate on this project and which areas You prefer. As subject of email please use this CODE: BUILDING COMMUNITIES APPLICATION


Doplňujúce informácie

PDF download below (ENG/FR/ESP/CZ)

Photo documentation of some actions which were provided by Escape club and community around it:

Kus Reči ( Piece of speech) - Alternative project to TEDex

Summer camp 2016 (video)

Concert for high school students ( Estonian band BENO)

And a lot of more. Just visit links below :) Preložiť

Súvisiace odkazy

PDF Version - INFOPACK (ENG/FRA/ESP/CZE)REFLECT CommunityESCAPE Club - Facebook pageKICKO - Facebook pageKus Reči (Piece od speech) Project

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Dátum projektu

Za obdobie 01/04/201831/10/2018 celkový počet týždňov: 31

Miesto realizácie projektu

Halašová 9, 01001 Žilina Slovakia

Hľadajú sa dobrovoľníci z týchto krajín

Francúzsko, Nemecko, Španielsko, Česká republika, Poľsko, Švédsko, Fínsko, Nórsko, Írsko, Portugalsko, Taliansko, Rakúsko, Maďarsko, Ukrajina, Belgicko, Holandsko, Slovinsko, Estónsko, Lotyšsko, Litva

Projektové témy

Mládež (účasť mládeže na verejnom dianí, práca s mládežou, politika v oblasti mládeže)

Vyučovanie a učenie sa cudzích jazykov

Etika, náboženstvo a filozofia (vrátane medzináboženského dialógu)

termínu na predloženie prihlášky

Lehota na podanie prihlášky nie je stanovená


Name: Eduard Paček

Phone: +421 904 010 319

Hostiteľská organizácia

Obcianske zdruzenie STOPY

Žilina, Slovensko

Vysielajúca organizácia

YMCA v Ceske republice

Praha, Česká republika

Center for Dialogue and Reconciliation "Iskra"

Mykolaiv, Ukrajina

Duszpasterstwo Mlodziezy Kosciola Chrzescijan Baptystow w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej

Warszawa, Poľsko

Tønsberg Kirkelige Fellesråd

Tønsberg, Nórsko

Christlicher Verein junger Menschen - Landesverband Schlesische Oberlausitz e. V.

Görlitz, Nemecko

Koordinujúca organizácia

Obcianske zdruzenie STOPY

Žilina, Slovensko