Les jeunes et la culture : faire tomber les frontières

Les jeunes et la culture : faire tomber les frontières

Vents et Marées

La Roche-sur-Yon, France

1 , Full

Hankkeen kuvaus

The project “Young people and Culture : a mean to break down borders” will take place in La Roche-sur-Yon inside the organization “Vents et Marées” whose field of action is “Drama”, “Informal and formal Education” and “Learning French as a foreign language”. The volunteer will participate actively in the association activities alongside volunteers of the association who work at the promotion of cultural activities in schools. She/he will be accompanied by the employee of the organization as well as by all the volunteers of the association. According to her/his needs and interests, the project will be personalized on the aspirations and attitude of each volunteer but here is some activities we are proposing :Communication: website moderation, creation of communication tools, use of different medias (like making videos, blog, etc.) and the social networks to spread information; Events organization ; School visits as a concrete example for European mobility.


Majoitus, ateriat ja kuljetukset

The association is located in the city center of La Roche-sur-Yon,which guarantees an easy access to all shops and public services. The volunteer will be hosted in a shared flat closed to the office. She/he will share the flat with a young French who is working as a “Service Civique” for the city council. She/he has her/his own room.No food is directly provided by the organization, but the volunteer will receive monthly a financial help. A bicycle is provided for daily journeys. The way to the office is short so she/he can make it on foot if she/he prefers.


Koulutus hankkeen aikana

- 3 hours of French course per week - Training on professional software such as “Photoshop” or “In Design” - Enrollment in a drama workshops with students


Millaisia osallistujia haetaan

Vents et Marées will treat equally all applications. We will pay a special attention to human qualities that will make the volunteer feel comfortable with cultural activities and with Europe information activities. Motivation for getting in touch with a lot of different publics and taste for activities with young people. Curiosity and open-mindedness Interest for Drama and the question of learning foreign languages Interest for the European issues and intercultural relations Desire for independence Willing to spend times on computer



Send a CV and a letter to Vents et Marées



Vents et MaréesVents et Marées is on Facebook

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Hankkeen ajankohta:

Yhteensä 25 viikkoa ajalla 04/01/201830/06/2018

Hankkeen sijainti

8, cours Bayard, 85000 La Roche-sur-Yon France

Maat, joista vapaaehtoisia haetaan



Luovuus ja kulttuuri

EU:n kansalaisuus, EU- ja demokratiatietoisuus

Hakuajan päättymispäivän mukaan

Ei määräaikaa hakemuksille


Name: Philippe SEGURA

Phone: 00 33 2 51 36 09 60


Vents et Marées

La Roche sur Yon, Ranska

Koordinoiva järjestö

Vents et Marées

La Roche sur Yon, Ranska