Les jeunes et la culture : faire tomber les frontières

Les jeunes et la culture : faire tomber les frontières

Vents et Marées

La Roche-sur-Yon, France

1 , Full

Beschrijving van het project

The project “Young people and Culture : a mean to break down borders” will take place in La Roche-sur-Yon inside the organization “Vents et Marées” whose field of action is “Drama”, “Informal and formal Education” and “Learning French as a foreign language”. The volunteer will participate actively in the association activities alongside volunteers of the association who work at the promotion of cultural activities in schools. She/he will be accompanied by the employee of the organization as well as by all the volunteers of the association. According to her/his needs and interests, the project will be personalized on the aspirations and attitude of each volunteer but here is some activities we are proposing :Communication: website moderation, creation of communication tools, use of different medias (like making videos, blog, etc.) and the social networks to spread information; Events organization ; School visits as a concrete example for European mobility.


Regelingen voor accommodatie, eten, en vervoer

The association is located in the city center of La Roche-sur-Yon,which guarantees an easy access to all shops and public services. The volunteer will be hosted in a shared flat closed to the office. She/he will share the flat with a young French who is working as a “Service Civique” for the city council. She/he has her/his own room.No food is directly provided by the organization, but the volunteer will receive monthly a financial help. A bicycle is provided for daily journeys. The way to the office is short so she/he can make it on foot if she/he prefers.


Opleiding tijdens het project

- 3 hours of French course per week - Training on professional software such as “Photoshop” or “In Design” - Enrollment in a drama workshops with students



Vents et Marées will treat equally all applications. We will pay a special attention to human qualities that will make the volunteer feel comfortable with cultural activities and with Europe information activities. Motivation for getting in touch with a lot of different publics and taste for activities with young people. Curiosity and open-mindedness Interest for Drama and the question of learning foreign languages Interest for the European issues and intercultural relations Desire for independence Willing to spend times on computer


Hoe kan ik me aanmelden?

Send a CV and a letter to Vents et Marées


Gerelateerde links

Vents et MaréesVents et Marées is on Facebook

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.


Totaal 25 week/weken in de periode van 04/01/2018 tot 30/06/2018


8, cours Bayard, 85000 La Roche-sur-Yon France

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Creativiteit en cultuur

EU-burgerschap, EU-bewustzijn en democratie

Uiterste inschrijvingsdatum

Geen uiterste sollicitatiedatum


Name: Philippe SEGURA

Phone: 00 33 2 51 36 09 60


Vents et Marées

La Roche sur Yon, Frankrijk

Coördinerende organisatie

Vents et Marées

La Roche sur Yon, Frankrijk