Urbana mladež

Zagreb, Croatia

1 , Otvorené

Opis projektu

Dear dancers or dance trainers, we want YOU for EVS in Croatia! “DANCE PROJECT MANAGEMENT” From October 2017 - September 2018. (1 year) Title sounds strange, doesn’t it ? Or maybe it sounds really awesome ? If it is the second thing for you then continue reading because you are probably perfect candidate! This EVS project is about writing projects connected with dance education and then implementing them. I know that we, dancers, more like to “move” then to write so just to make it clear, during work hours mostly we write projects and in free time we go out for social dancing (salsa, bachata, kizomba, etc.) and club dancing ;). We also do lots of traveling btw.


Ubytovanie, strava a doprava

- Private room with bills include in apartmant with other volunteer - 150 € for food per month - 90 € pocket allowance - Provided monthly ticket or a bike


Profil dobrovoľníka

ABOUT YOU: - Our perfect candidate would be someone with formal education in dance like dance academy/university or some place where you learned lot of dance theory, methods, tools, ways of teaching, etc. We would like that you are still active in dance yourself. Extra points goes if you know to do choreographies. You would blow our mind if you are great at “bachata” but we are already asking too much :). - We do a lot of dance projects so understanding of an education in dance is a must.


Ako sa prihlásiť

Fill in application and send it along with CV on by 19.04.2017. Application and more info find here: Thank you


Doplňujúce informácie

- It would be awesome if you are from EU country but if you are good and motivated candidate then it doesn’t matter from which country you come.
- Except dance you should also be good and creative at writing and have passion for it. We don’t want you to get bored since you will be doing this 70% of the time. Preložiť

Súvisiace odkazy


This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Dátum projektu

Za obdobie 01/10/201730/09/2018 celkový počet týždňov: 52

Miesto realizácie projektu

Aleja lipa 54,, 10000 Zagreb Croatia

Hľadajú sa dobrovoľníci z týchto krajín

Albánsko, Arménsko, Rakúsko, Azerbajdžan, Bosna a Hercegovina, Belgicko, Bulharsko, Bielorusko, Cyprus, Česká republika, Nemecko, Dánsko, Alžírsko, Estónsko, Egypt, Grécko, Španielsko, Fínsko, Francúzsko, Gruzínsko, Chorvátsko, Maďarsko, Írsko, Izrael, Island, Taliansko, Jordánsko, Libanon, Lichtenštajnsko, Litva, Luxembursko, Lotyšsko, Líbya, Maroko, Moldova (Republic of), Čierna Hora, Severné Macedónsko, Malta, Holandsko, Nórsko, Poľsko, Palestína, Portugalsko, Rumunsko, Srbsko, Russian Federation, Švédsko, Slovinsko, Slovensko, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisko, Turecko, Ukrajina, Spojené kráľovstvo, Kosovo * UN resolution, British Antarctic Territory, Anguilla, Aruba, Svätý Bartolomej, Bermudy, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Canary Islands, Curaçao, Falklandy, Francúzska Guyana, Grónsko, Guadeloupe, Britské indickooceánske územie, Kajmanie ostrovy, Saint Martin (french part), Martinik, Montserrat, Nová Kaledónia, Francúzska Polynézia, Pitcairn, Réunion, Saint Helena, Sint Maarten (dutch part), Turks a Caicos, French Southern and Antarctic Territories

Projektové témy

Zdravotné postihnutia – špeciálne potreby

Mládež (účasť mládeže na verejnom dianí, práca s mládežou, politika v oblasti mládeže)

Nové inovačné osnovy/vzdelávacie metódy/tvorba kurzov odbornej prípravy

termínu na predloženie prihlášky

termínu na predloženie prihlášky: 19/04/2017

Hostiteľská organizácia

Urbana mladež

Zagreb, Chorvátsko