EVS in Spain with Mundus Zaragoza!

EVS in Spain with Mundus Zaragoza!


Saragossa, Spain

2 , Avatud

Projekti kirjeldus

Mundus Association (Zaragoza) is looking for EVS volunteers 20-30 years old for a long term European Voluntary Service project which will take place from April 2018 till April 2019 in Zaragoza (Aragón, Spain). According to the volunteer´s profile they will help in different tasks related to creativity and non-formal education for youth and mobility projects.


Majutus, toitlustus, transport

More information you can find here: http://semperavanti.org/evs-wolontariat-hiszpanii/


Vabatahtliku profiil

-Young volunteers (20-30 years old) from Poland. -Able to communicate in English or/and Spanish. -A motivated, sociable, proactive, open-minded, tolerant, creative, self-reliant person. -Someone who has no problems with sharing an apartment / bedroom with other volunteers. -With competences and willingness to work in non formal education environment in contact with young people in a very multicultural environment. -Medium/high competence in IT


Kuidas taotleda?

Więcej informacji: http://semperavanti.org/evs-wolontariat-hiszpanii/


This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Projekti toimumisaeg:

Kokku 52 nädalat ajavahemikul 01/04/201831/03/2019

Projekti asukoht

Saragossa Spain

Otsitakse vabatahtlikke järgmisest riigist:


Projektide teemad

ELi kodakondsus, teadlikkus EList ja demokraatia

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Taotluse esitamise tähtaeg

Taotluse esitamise tähtaeg: 31/03/2018

Vastuvõttev organisatsioon

Asociación Mundus - Zaragoza

Zaragoza, Hispaania

Saatev organisatsioon