EVS Opportunities in Gaudium et Spes (1/09/16-28/02/17)

EVS Opportunities in Gaudium et Spes (1/09/16-28/02/17)

Internationaler Bund Polska

Krakow, Poland

1 , Closed

Описание на проекта

Important! Project is already accepted. Vacancies are available only for candidates from program countries. Gaudium et Spes is working with disabled adults, offering a wide ranged program from day care to vocational training. Age of a group you will work with: 18-60 Vacancies: 3 Volunteer's tasks: Main task of the volunteer will be assisting the therapists and pedagogues in realizing the therapy programs for disabled persons on a everyday basis. In detail he/she will be responsible for helping the employees with their work during workshops, taking general care of the clients and helping with the organization and realization of cultural, sport or other events. The volunteer will learn how to encounter disabled people intellectually and how to help them in everyday life personally. Furthermore, volunteers will have the opportunity to implement his/her own activities.


Настаняване, хранене и транспорт

As coordinating organization IB Polska is responsible for fulfilling administrative aspects of the volunteers during the stay in Cracow (i.e. opening bank account, providing local transport, supporting the process for permission to stay). Furthermore, IB Polska is providing Polish classes. The insurance is organized by the Sending organization, but we help you to use it. We are responsible for renting volunteers flat (volunteers are accommodated in double rooms) and to transfer pocket money+food money and to reimburse the travel costs for coming to Poland and for return ticket.


Профил на доброволеца

People interested in doing an European Voluntary Service at our organisation should be interested in working with handicapped and elderly people, be open-minded and open-hearted and should have the ability to get in touch with people nonverbally in creative ways. If you have experiences in art, artistry, music, dance, cooking, handicraft... you would fit right in.


Как да кандидатствате

Our project is already accepted, activity can start as soon as possible and will last 8-10 months. Project is available only for candidates from program countries. Apply now and fill in the application form: https://form.jotformeu.com/61053293523349 CONTACT: EVS-IB-Polska@internationaler-bund.de


Допълнителна информация

Besides the organizational matters, the personal support of the volunteers is an important part of our work with youngsters.
We are responsible for communication and information exchange between all partners in the project. We supervise the project and organize regulary evaluation meetings, in order to see the progress, solve problems and to help doing reflection. According to that, we prepare volunteers to write the YOUTHPASS. Furthermore, own initiatives are welcomed and will be suported by us. Превод

Връзки по темата

IB Polska - volunteers blogIB Polska - FacebookGaudium et Spes - application form

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Дати на проекта

Общо 26 седмици в периода от 01/09/2016 до 28/02/2017

Място на проекта

Wrocławska 37a/320, 30-011 Krakow Poland

Търсят се доброволци от

Албания, Армения, Австрия, Азербайджан, Босна и Херцеговина, Белгия, България, Беларус, Кипър, Чешка република, Германия, Дания, Алжир, Естония, Египет, Гърция, Испания, Финландия, Франция, Грузия, Хърватия, Унгария, Ирландия, Израел, Исландия, Италия, Йордания, Ливан, Лихтенщайн, Литва, Люксембург, Латвия, Либия, Мароко, Moldova (Republic of), Черна гора, Северна Македония, Малта, Нидерландия, Норвегия, Полша, Палестина, Португалия, Румъния, Сърбия, Russian Federation, Швеция, Словения, Словакия, Syrian Arab Republic, Тунис, Турция, Украйна, Обединено кралство, Kosovo * UN resolution, British Antarctic Territory, Ангила, Аруба, Сен Бартелеми, Бермудски острови, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Canary Islands, Кюрасао, Фолкландски острови, Френска Гвиана, Гренландия, Гваделупа, Британски територии в Индийския океан, Кайманови острови, Saint Martin (french part), Мартиника, Монтсерат, Нова Каледония, Френска Полинезия, Pitcairn, Реюнион, Saint Helena, Sint Maarten (dutch part), Търкс и Кайкос, French Southern and Antarctic Territories

Теми на проекта

Увреждания — специални нужди

Inclusion - equity

Срок за подаване на заявлението

Срок за подаване на заявлението: 31/08/2016

За контакти

Name: Katarzyna Sokołowska

Организация домакин

Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Socjalnej "Gaudium et Spes"

Kraków, Полша

Координираща организация

Internationaler Bund Polska

Kraków, Полша