Veni Vidi Volunti / CRIJ

Veni Vidi Volunti / CRIJ


Marseille, France

1 , Closed

Opis projekta

Located in Marseille (France), the association CRIJ Provence Alpes (CRIJPA) is a place dedicated to youth. CRIJ proposes information and services that cover all themes of Youth Information : education, training courses, jobs, employment, health, everyday life, leisures and cultural activities, sports, holidays, initiatives, Europe and international mobility (education, training courses, jobs, employment, everyday life,...). It offers services to young public : students, unemployed, young people with social difficulties, or with a project to develop. The volunteer will spend some time directly in contact to the public, in the hall of CRIJPA and in other youth information centers (relays). He will help to inform on european and international mobilities. He will participate to events organised by CRIJPA or partners (Europe Day, Studies Forum, worshops...).


Osposobljavanje tijekom projekta

The volunteers will participate to the 2 seminars organised by the french national agency during the first month after their arrival and after 6 months as mid term seminar. The coordinating organisation Hors Pistes will also organise some trainings in Marseille with regional EVS coordinated.


Profil volontera

The volunteer have to be motivated by the project, to be social and sensitive to animation and youth, to enjoy team work and to show a capacity of adaptation.


Kako se prijaviti

Please send us an email with your CV and few lines of your motivation in the text. Then we will send you a short application form to fill out. Please specify in the object of your email the name of the project "Application for CRIJ"


Druge korisne poveznice

Website hosting organisation

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Razdoblje trajanja projekta

Ukupan broj tjedana: 52 (u razdoblju od 02/09/2018 do 31/08/2019)

Mjesto projekta

96 La Canebière, 13001 Marseille France

Traže se volonteri iz


Područja projekta

Mladi (sudjelovanje, rad mladih, politika za mlade)

Građanstvo EU-a, podizanje svijesti o EU-u i demokracija

Kreativnost i kultura

Rok za prijavu

Prijava nije vremenski ograničena


Name: Lucie Letourneux

Organizacija primateljica

Centre Régional Information Jeunesse Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur

Marseille, Francuska

Organizacija koordinatorica


MARSEILLE, Francuska