" Environmental education of young people and sustainable development"

" Environmental education of young people and sustainable development"

"Ecomission 21st Century"

Lovech, Bulgaria

1 , Avatud

Projekti kirjeldus

The project aims to increase environmental knowledge and gain practical skills in appropriate ecological behavior of saving the natural resources; enrich the knowledge of the project participants with new experience, best practices and cultural traditions of other European countries during the project .


Majutus, toitlustus, transport

PRACTICAL ARRANGEMENTS THROUGHOUT THE STAY OF ALL VOLUNTEERS -WORKING HOURS:The volunteers will work a maximum of 6 hours per day. -HOLIDAYS:The volunteers will have two consecutive days off per week, and also two days’ holiday per month. -FOOD:The volunteers will receive a monthly budget for their food 100€ and 130€ pocket money per month -ACCOMMODATION:They will be accommodated in a house for volunteers or separate floor of the house only for volunteers. They will have their own room or a personal place in the shared room with other volunteer. They will need to share kitchen and bathroom


Koolitused projekti ajal

By implemented activities the project participants will be able to: - Increase their knowledge about environmental protection and sustainable development; - To learn new practical skills in the field of environmental education and environmentally friendly nature and citizenship; - To exchange innovative interesting ideas in the field of ecology and sustainable development; - To exchang experience between generations;


Vabatahtliku profiil

- Open minded , willing to volunteer and motivated to be part of our team -Young persons from from 18 to 29 years who are interested to work with different people with different backgrounds. -Social people - to have an interest in environmental education and work with: -Kids aged from 5 to 10 -Youth - Citizens in the town


Kuidas taotleda?

- Send CV and Motivation letter to office@ecomission21.com with subject [" Environmental education of young people and sustainable development"] -Bulgaria - We will review your documents within 2 days and we will notify you by email


This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Projekti toimumisaeg:

Kokku 30 nädalat ajavahemikul 30/07/201828/02/2019

Projekti asukoht

G.Benkovski 1, 5500 Lovech Bulgaria

Otsitakse vabatahtlikke järgmisest riigist:

Belgia, Tšehhi Vabariik, Kreeka, Hispaania, Prantsusmaa, Horvaatia, Madalmaad, Poola, Portugal

Projektide teemad

Noored (osalemine, noorsootöö, noorsoopoliitika)

ELi kodakondsus, teadlikkus EList ja demokraatia

Taotluse esitamise tähtaeg

Taotluse tähtaeg puudub


Name: Galina Petrova

Phone: +35968603834

Vastuvõttev organisatsioon

"Ecomission 21st Century" assosiation

Lovech, Bulgaaria

kordineeriv organisatsioon

"Ecomission 21st Century" assosiation

Lovech, Bulgaaria