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The Role of Youth in Local Authorities Decision-Making Processes


31/03/2022 09:00

31/03/2022 13:00

[GMT] Ħin medju ta' Greenwich

Recognizing the importance of strengthening the infrastructure of local authorities in the field of youth participation in decision-making processes, the Youth Board of Cyprus, as the National Agency of "Erasmus +: Youth", actively participates in the Strategic Partnership "Democracy Reloading: Govern with Youth ”, Which aims to create a supportive environment for the design, development, maintenance and reform of existing local autorities structures.

In the framework of this Strategic Partnership, the Youth Board of Cyprus, in collaboration with the Cyprus Youth Council, organizes a Round Table Discusion, entitled "The Role of Youth in Local Authorites Decision-Making Processes", on Thursday, 31/03/2022, from 09.00 - 13.00, at the Cleopatra Hotel in Nicosia.

Objectives of the Round Table Discussion:

  • Mapping the opportunities and / or difficulties that exist regarding the involvement of young people in decision-making processes.
  • Recording tools that could be used to enhance youth participation in local authorities decision-making processes.
  • Presentation of European programs and initiatives that promote the participation of young people in democratic life.

Please register Here  

Format tal-attività Bi preżenza wiċċ imb wiċċ
Tibda fi 31/03/2022 09:00
Jispiċċa fi 31/03/2022 13:00
Żona tal-ħin [GMT] Ħin medju ta' Greenwich
Organizzata minn Youth Board of Cyprus
Sit web tal-organizzazzjoni
Email ta’ kuntatt
Medda ta’ età fil-mira 18-24; 25-30; 31-35; Aktar minn 35 sena
Lingwa tal-attività Grieg
Tip ta’ attività Sessjoni ta’ ħidma
Temi tal-attività Parteċipazzjoni u involviment; Valuri Ewropej; Inklużjoni u ugwaljanza; Programmi tal-UE għaż-żgħażagħ
Ibbukkjar Jeħtieġlek tibbukkja dejjem – ara d-dettalji
Aċċessibbiltà għas-siġġijiet tar-roti Aċċess sħiħ bil-wheelchair
Għanijiet taż-Żgħażagħ din l-attività hija marbuta ma’ Soċjetajiet Inklużivi; Spazju u Parteċipazzjoni għal Kulħadd; Organizzazzjonijiet taż-Żgħażagħ u Programmi Ewropej
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