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Noorte ajakirjanike rühm 2023 – autoriõigus: Euroopa Komisjon

Saa tuttavaks Euroopa noorte ajakirjanike rühmaga – 2023. aasta koosseis

Euroopa noorte ajakirjanike rühm (2023. aasta koosseis) – tutvu projekti ja sisuloojatega

Euroopa Komisjoni ja Eurodeski eesmärk on kaasata noori Euroopa Noorteportaali sisu loomisse.

Euroopa noorte ajakirjanike rühma 2022. aasta koosseis, mis loodi Euroopa noorteaasta 2022 raames, oli väga edukas. 2023. aastaks valiti välja uus koosseis, et anda taas noortele hääl oma lugude jutustamiseks.

Kogu Euroopast valiti avaliku konkursiga välja 13 noort ajakirjanikku, kellele tehti ülesandeks kirjutada artikleid, teha videoid, taskusaateid ja fotoreportaaže noori huvitavatel teemadel.

Nad valisid ise teemad ja tegelesid sisuloomega kas üksi või mitmekesi koos. Esitatud seisukohtade eest vastutasid üksnes autorid, Euroopa Komisjon neid ei mõjutanud.

Rühmale anti ka võimalus kajastada aasta jooksul toimuvaid peamisi Euroopa üritusi ja teha reportaaže kohapeal. Neile pakuti regulaarset ajakirjandusalast koolitust valdkonna ekspertidelt.

Tahad teada, kes need sisuloojad on? Vaata allpool nende enesetutvustusi. 

Alberto Carmena Garcia

Alberto Carmena Garcia

“I am from Spain, and I study Journalism and International Relations. I have always been interested in knowing in depth about the current affairs that surround our society.”

Amelia-Denisa Zăbavă

Amelia-Denisa Zăbavă

“My name is Amelia and I’m originally from Romania, though I have been living in Belgium for the past couple of years.”

Caillum Hedderman

Caillum Hedderman

“I’m a twenty-year-old from Limerick in Ireland. With a taste for travel and positive impact, I work and volunteer within the policy sphere where I advise and lobby platforms and institutions on a local, national and international level.”

Daria Yune Elizarrarás Veenstra

Daria Yune Elizarrarás Veenstra

“My name is Daria Yune and I grew up in a world of contrast. Quite literally. I was born in Mexico City and in 2019 I moved to the Netherlands to study LAS.”

Giorgia Verna

Giorgia Verna

“I was born in Naples, but I currently live and study in Rome. I have a degree in Political Science and I obtained a double master's degree with honours, in English, in International Relations in Rome and in Belgium. ”

Iris Tréhin

Iris Tréhin

“I am very versatile: I can write, film, take pictures, edit (both video and sound) and voice-over. Social and cultural subjects are my favourites: feminism, societal issues, documentaries, TV series...”

Katariina Järve

Katariina Järve

“For as long as I can remember I have always been volunteering for youth rights.”

Maro Samara

Maro Samara

“I love channeling ideas in several ways and cooperating in multicultural environments to make a sustainable global impact.”

Melike Pala

Melike Pala

“Participating in international projects since 18 made me explore the world.”

Miriam Rubio Ramírez

Miriam Rubio Ramírez

“Thanks to my volunteering in Romania with the European Solidarity Corps, I have developed new skills related to youth participation.”

Rute Carlos Matos Cardoso

Rute Carlos Matos Cardoso

“Right now, I’m starting a freelancing career and I’m excited to continue to give voice to young Europeans through the European Youth Portal.”

Tea Mihanović

Tea Mihanović

“Receiving the Megalizzi-Niedzielski Prize from the European Commission remains the biggest incentive for me to contribute to quality journalism in the EU.”

Giannis Christoforou

Yiannos Christoforou

“In my opinion, writing is the form of an act that demonstrates your ability to illustrate data and create meaningful stories.”