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Alates 27/03/2024 09:30 Kuni 27/03/2024 14:00 - [CET] Kesk-Euroopa aeg

Enaip Veneto - Via Ansuino da Forlì, 64, 35134, Padua (PD), Itaalia

Proactive Generation: how to strengthen participation and the feeling of European citizenship in young people

The event organized by the Veneto Region will involve young students from secondary schools attending the Fourth and Fifth Grades.

The event will be like a laboratory where students will have the opportunity to engage in discussions with experts and educators on the topics of active citizenship, feeling part of a community, and being a European citizen. The objective is to spread the awareness that their thoughts, actions, and considerations regarding current problems can have a voice in the matter, a voice that they must make heard, also through the expression of their vote in the upcoming European elections.

At the end of the laboratory sessions, students will share their thoughts with other participants, as well as ideas that emerged in the different working groups, so as to be listened to by the whole audience.


  • Tegevuse vorm

  • Füüsiline osalemine
  • Tegevuse valdkonnad

  • Democracy & elections, Osalemine ja kaasamine, Euroopa väärtused, Õpivahetus, Noored ja maailm, ELi noorteprogrammid
  • Keel

  • Italian
  • Korraldaja

  • Veneto Region
  • Tegevuse liik

  • Seminar
  • Booking/Registration

  • Broneerimine alati vajalik – vaata üksikasju
  • E-posti aadress

  • Eeldatav osalejate arv

  • 100
  • Juurdepääs ratastooliga

  • Ratastooliga täielikult juurdepääsetav
  • Viipekeelne tõlge

  • Ei
  • Noorte eesmärgid

  • Noorte kaasamine ELis, Teave ja konstruktiivne dialoog, Koht ja osalusvõimalused kõigile, Noorteorganisatsioonid ja Euroopa programmid