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The last concert of Sistema Cyprus in Nicosia Municipal theatre. December 2023

Od 06/04/2024 19:00 do 06/04/2024 23:59 - [EET] východoeurópsky čas

Vaasiliou Voulgaroktonou, 1010, Nicosia, Cyprus

Tuning the future - Concert of the beginner orchestra of Sistema Cyprus

Sistema Cyprus is a social-music program that is inspired by world known program that originated in Venezuela almost 50 years ago. It is a program that uses music as a tool to make social change. In our NGO kids with different ethnic, economic and social background have an opportunity to get music education and safe place to get respect, recognition and inclusion to society. In this activity our beginner orchestra will have their first concert organized solely for them. The concert will take place on 6th of April in Antonakis music hall, oldest music hall in Cyprus. We hope to encourage and empower the younger members of our organization by allowing them a stage of their own. While it is their first solo concert, it will also be the first time that young people,European Solidarity Corps volunteers of the Sistema Cyprus, organize a concert for the NGO. This activity will: help the volunteers to develop, empower their organizing skills and overall build a more inclusive and supportive society.


  • Formát aktivity

  • S osobnou prítomnosťou
  • Témy aktivít

  • Účasť a zapojenie sa, Inklúzia a rozmanitosť, Kultúra, Mládež a svet, Programy EÚ pre mládež
  • Languages of the activity

  • angličtina, gréčtina
  • Organizátor

  • Sistema Cyprus
  • Druh aktivity

  • Koncert
  • Booking/Registration

  • Neznáme
  • Kontaktný e-mail

  • Počet očakávaných účastníkov

  • 270
  • Bezbariérový prístup

  • Čiastočný bezbariérový prístup
  • Tlmočenie v posunkovej reči

  • Nie
  • Ciele v oblasti mládeže

  • Inkluzívne spoločnosti, Priestor a účasť pre všetkých, Mládežnícke organizácie a európske programy