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DiscoverEU Meet-up in Marseille, France: walk in the city-center and concert

Od: Thursday, 21/07/2022 - 17:30 Do: Thursday, 21/07/2022 - 23:00 [CET] srednjeevropski čas



Come and participate in the first DiscoverEU Meet-up organised in France, more specifically in the 2nd largest city of the country where cultures meet thanks to its port: Marseille.

You will have the opportunity during this Meet-up to get to know other travellers who have won a DiscoverEU pass during a walk in the city centre of the street at 5:30 PM. Then, from 9 PM, you will attend an exceptional free concert performed by a symphony orchestra composed of a hundred young musicians from all over the Mediterranean. This exceptional event will take place at the Friche de la Belle de Mai, a place of urban culture where styles are mixed!

Only 10 DEU travellers can participate in this Meet-up, so if you already know that you will be in Marseille on July 21, 2022, don't hesitate to register asap!

Register here!

Meetup information

Kraj: Marseille, Francija

Topic: Creativity, Culture & cultural heritage
