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ERASMUS+ Virtual Exchange

The Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange project 2018-2020 is now finished. Please stay tuned to the European Youth Portal for further developments!

Karima // Algeria

Karima, a 23-year-old, Algerian-French, master student specialised in sciences of language and didactics of English. “I have been in many virtual programmes before and I got to know about the Youth, Peace and Security Course through Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange Ambassadors Programme”.

“I was expecting to meet a small group of people with not much diversity. However, the group turned out to be really diverse, which enriched the conversation. It was like a conversation with the world!”, Karima expresses.

Adding, “for me it was a great opportunity to engage in intercultural dialogues and share my opinion with open-minded individuals; it improved,both my personal and professional skills, and it has pushed me out of my comfort zone and challenged me to become better”.

“This experience was very different from university, it was more fun! Having such international environment is phenomenal” Karima says “I would definitely recommend others to take part in Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange, so they can break the stereotypes they see in the media and connect with their fellow sisters and brothers around the world. We were all alike before the world decided that we are different. We are all global citizens”. Karima concludes.

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