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ERASMUS+ Virtual Exchange

The Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange project 2018-2020 is now finished. Please stay tuned to the European Youth Portal for further developments!

Margarita Vinagre // Spain

Associate Professor, Autónoma University of Madrid, Spain 

Margarita’s participation in the Advanced Training to develop Transnational Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange projects resulted in two virtual exchanges between Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and the Universities of Claremont (France) and Limerick (Ireland). These exchanges involved students preparing for study abroad in one of the partner countries and provided opportunities for improving language skills and developing intercultural awareness.

“The impact has been extremely positive in many ways. The students’ became more aware of cultural differences, improved their speaking skills and are feeling more confident about their capacity to communicate with speakers of the foreign language. After participating in the facilitated session, four of my students (that I know of) have applied to become facilitators themselves. 

I believe that in order to prepare our students for the 21st century, Virtual Exchange offers a unique opportunity to foster their employability and life-long learning skills in a way that would be impossible in the traditional face-to-face classrooms we find in most educational settings in Spain.”

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