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ERASMUS+ Virtual Exchange

The Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange project 2018-2020 is now finished. Please stay tuned to the European Youth Portal for further developments!

Nacer // Morocco

Nacer is a 20 year-old Moroccan student specialised in Biology Sciences studies and he is currently working as a community manager at ‘Tek inside’ agency

Nacer discovered Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange project while searching for virtual/online programmes, he took part in both, the Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange “Social Circles”  activity, and the “Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange Online Euro-Med Deabte Competition”. As Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange Ambassador, Nacer was entitled to perform various set of tasks, such as: training young people to become team leaders, promoting Erasmus+ Virtual exchange programmes via social media and hosting events; which was a real challenge due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Moreover, Nacer was responsible for supporting team leaders during their Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange journey and finally conducting different research tasks. “I believe in the Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange Ambassador programme, and how it could make a positive impact and be a life changing experience for young people” Nacer expressed, “My experience with the project has widened my network and put me on the right track to unleash my skills as an ambassador”, he continued.  

“This Virtual Exchange experience also gave me the courage to contact high officials at important institutions, such as the National Erasmus+ Office in Morocco”.

During his journey as an Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange ambassador, Nacer has gained a wide range of professional, technical, social and communication skills. Therefore, Nacer recommends the experience of becoming an Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange Ambassador to young people who are looking for opportunities to invest and develop their skills in different domains.

Momentan acest conținut nu este disponibil în Română