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/ Grécko

Žijete v tejto krajine – Grécko – a/alebo máte túto štátnu príslušnosť: grécka? Na tejto stránke nájdete ďalšie príležitosti na dobrovoľnícku činnosť v rámci krajiny alebo na medzinárodnej úrovni.

Tento obsah v súčasnosti nie je k dispozícii v tomto jazyku: Slovenčina

Opportunities to study abroad


There is no information available at the moment

More information and organisations active in this field

State Scholarships Foundation (IKY)

State Scholarships Foundation (IKY), one of the most historic organizations in the country, was founded in 1951 aiming to offer young scientists grants for post-graduate studies, abroad and within Greece, in order to broaden their horizons, utilize their skills and offer better services to the society.

Interesting links

Study in Greece

“Study in Greece" (SiG) is a non-profit organization, consisting of members from the Greek academic community, aiming to operate as a cultural and educational bridge between Greece and other countries.