Sve su službene internetske stranice EU-a na domeni
Ova internetska stranica koristi kolačiće. Za više informacija i kako biste promijenili svoje postavke, posjetite našu internetsku stranicu na kojoj su objašnjena pravila o kolačićima ili kliknite na poveznicu u podnožju svake stranice.
Saznajte kako se možete angažirati kao građani Europe i svijeta.
Informacije o mogućnostima za volontiranje, učenje i rad u inozemstvu te razmjena savjeta o inicijativama i putovanju.
Saznajte kako možete volontirati, učiti, raditi, putovati i sudjelovati u razmjenama mladih ili u demokratskim procesima u EU-u.
DiscoverEU isn’t just a trip across Europe—it’s a journey to self-discovery and lifelong connections.
Stepping out of your comfort zone isn’t just about discovering the world—it’s about discovering yourself.
If visiting this interesting student house did not give me a boost and ideas about what can be done for young people, I don't know what will, because it really got me thinking.
But beyond these tasks, the experience taught me so much more—like how to be independent and push myself out of my comfort zone.
Being part of their daily lives not only strengthened my bond with the community but also broadened my perspective on the diverse realities within my own country.
EU funds are there for everyone with a meaningful project. Therefore I encourage young people like us to apply and make use of these funds so they can carry out projects in favor of the communities…
My word of advice to all groups out there seeking to embark on these projects is to not be overwhelmed with the application process.
The wonderful experience I lived with DiscoverEU that in certain way it changed my life.
When I solo travelled in my interrail, I was just scared at first but then I met people along the way,…
We got so many positive experiences that we probably wouldn't have had if it was just a regular trip with our parents
DiscoverEU isn’t just a trip across Europe—it’s a journey to self-discovery and lifelong connections.
Stepping out of your comfort zone isn’t just about discovering the world—it’s about discovering yourself.
If visiting this interesting student house did not give me a boost and ideas about what can be done for young people, I don't know what will, because it really got me thinking.
But beyond these tasks, the experience taught me so much more—like how to be independent and push myself out of my comfort zone.
Being part of their daily lives not only strengthened my bond with the community but also broadened my perspective on the diverse realities within my own country.