Hey you! Yeah, you! Are you between 16 and 30 years old? You can volunteer in Belgium right across the language border. Improve your Dutch, French or German by volunteering in a different Community. A large chunk of your accommodation, food and coaching is reimbursed by Bel’J.
More information and organisations active in this field
Vlaams Steunpunt vrijwilligerswerkLooking for some volunteer work in your free time? If you’re from Flanders, this website from the Vlaams Steunpunt Vrijwilligerswerk vzw gathers vacancies for you and you can find other information about volunteering there, so check it out!
11.11.11Looking for volunteering job vacancies within Flanders, especially in the non profit and social sector? has mostly vacancies within Belgium, but occasionally there is a vacancy also for developing countries.
Le VolontariatThe Francophone Volunteering Platform is a non-profit association whose social purpose is defending the interests of volunteers and the promotion of volunteering in the French-speaking Community of Belgium.
WWOOFWWOOF is a worldwide movement linking volunteers with organic farmers and growers to promote cultural and educational experiences based on trust and non-monetary exchange, thereby helping to build a sustainable, global community.
Actiris InternationalThe international placement service of Actiris (the Brussels public employment service).
Interesting links
Bel’J: volunteer within Belgium, across the language borders!Hey you! Yeah, you! Are you between 16 and 30 years old? You can volunteer in Belgium right across the language border. Improve your Dutch, French or German by volunteering in a different Community. A large chunk of your accommodation, food and coaching is reimbursed by Bel’J.
Eurodesk Opportunity FinderFind your next opportunity to go abroad! The Eurodesk opportunity Finder gives you an overview of available options with the possibility to filter. Select your age and under ‘Eligible Country’ choose Belgium. Be sure to check the application deadline and if you have to pay or not.
DiplomatieNeed advice about coming to Belgium? Check out the diplomacy website where you can find all necessary information. Also interesting if you want to go abroad as a volunteer: you get a list on here of all the Belgian embassies abroad.