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Официален уебсайт на Европейския съюзОфициален уебсайт на ЕС


Има много начини за участие в доброволческа дейност на европейско и международно равнище. Научи за възможностите, които ти се предлагат.

Прочети последните статии

Международни работни лагери — кратък, но интензивен доброволчески опит!
Международни работни лагери — кратък, но интензивен доброволчески опит!
Как да избера добра доброволческа програма?
Как да избера добра доброволческа програма?
Записвайте доброволческия си опит, за да си намерите по-добра работа!
Записвайте доброволческия си опит, за да си намерите по-добра работа!
European Solidarity Corps helps Sonia build her confidence
European Solidarity Corps helps Sonia build her confidence
Over 1,600 young Europeans share their EU youth programme experiences
Over 1,600 young Europeans share their EU youth programme experiences
How the European Solidarity Corps is building confidence and skills to empower young people with fewer opportunities
How the European Solidarity Corps is building confidence and skills to empower young people with fewer opportunities
How the European Solidarity Corps is empowering young people with disabilities
How the European Solidarity Corps is empowering young people with disabilities
Turning volunteering into voting: Taking a stand in the European elections!
Turning volunteering into voting: Taking a stand in the European elections!
Volunteer for regional cooperation
Volunteer for regional cooperation
Доброволчество по света
Доброволчество по света
Международни работни лагери — кратък, но интензивен доброволчески опит!
Международни работни лагери — кратък, но интензивен доброволчески опит!
Как да избера добра доброволческа програма?
Как да избера добра доброволческа програма?
Записвайте доброволческия си опит, за да си намерите по-добра работа!
Записвайте доброволческия си опит, за да си намерите по-добра работа!
European Solidarity Corps helps Sonia build her confidence
European Solidarity Corps helps Sonia build her confidence
Over 1,600 young Europeans share their EU youth programme experiences
Over 1,600 young Europeans share their EU youth programme experiences
How the European Solidarity Corps is building confidence and skills to empower young people with fewer opportunities
How the European Solidarity Corps is building confidence and skills to empower young people with fewer opportunities

Започни пътуването си сега

Списък на акредитираните организации
Търсене на организация Търсене на организация
Списък на финансираните от ЕС възможности за доброволчество
Разглеждане на възможностите Разглеждане на възможностите
Допринеси за промяна с Европейския корпус за солидарност
Допринеси за промяна с Европейския корпус за солидарност
Кандидатстване за корпуса Кандидатстване за корпуса
Информация за възможностите за доброволческа дейност

Вдъхнови се от историите на европейски младежи

Sasha Sasha Curin

Having crossed oceans from New Zealand to Croatia, I learned that the best stories often hide in unexpected places. I love capturing everyday moments and turning them into stories that matter. As a…

Romane Romane Pichon

I’m a French journalist who graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Media and Communication last year. During my undergraduate studies, I served as a community manager for Alliance Française Dublin and…

Reyyan Reyyan Beyza Aydın

I am currently a freshman studying Economics. I was born and raised in Istanbul, Türkiye, where I have firsthand experience of its social and cultural blend. My background is shaped by diverse…

Ana Seabird Conservation Assistant in BirdLife Malta

I would recommend the Solidarity Corps program to anyone looking for a hands-on opportunity to grow professionally while working on meaningful projects and connecting with diverse people.

Mauro Conservation Assistant in BirdLife Malta

You hardly ever can have a boring day in this job. The atmosphere inside this organization helped a lot to make this year more enjoyable, you can have difficult moments but it really felt to have a…

Robert Nature Reserve Assistant in BirdLife Malta

During my stay, I primarily worked in the Ghadira nature reserve also known as the biggest salt marsh of Malta.

Dārija Grupu brīvprātīgā darba pieredze Gruzijā

Mans vismīļākais mirklis bija, kad devāmies uz tetovēšanas salonu Tbilisi un katrs ieguvām mūžīgu suvenīru no Gruzijas. Savam tetovējumam izvēlējos frāzi gruzīnu valodā, ko izmantojām katru dienu,…

Paula Paula gada laikā apgūst itāļu valodu

Mana vismīļākā atmiņa no projekta bija vakars projekta sākuma periodā, kur viesojāmies netālu esošajā sociālajā organizācijā - viņiem bija ieplānots pasākums. Tovakar ar savu vēl nelielo itāļu valodu…

Efe Efe Yalabikoglu

Journalism allows me to explore and connect the diverse stories shaping Europe today. By weaving together ideas and experiences, I aim to highlight the challenges and opportunities facing young…

Ángela  Ángela Garrido Rivera

Growing up in Sevilla, I spent countless afternoons reading under the Sun, cultivating a strong passion for good stories. When I moved to Amsterdam to pursue my studies, reading remained a constant…

Sasha Sasha Curin

Having crossed oceans from New Zealand to Croatia, I learned that the best stories often hide in unexpected places. I love capturing everyday moments and turning them into stories that matter. As a…

Romane Romane Pichon

I’m a French journalist who graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Media and Communication last year. During my undergraduate studies, I served as a community manager for Alliance Française Dublin and…

Reyyan Reyyan Beyza Aydın

I am currently a freshman studying Economics. I was born and raised in Istanbul, Türkiye, where I have firsthand experience of its social and cultural blend. My background is shaped by diverse…

Ana Seabird Conservation Assistant in BirdLife Malta

I would recommend the Solidarity Corps program to anyone looking for a hands-on opportunity to grow professionally while working on meaningful projects and connecting with diverse people.

Mauro Conservation Assistant in BirdLife Malta

You hardly ever can have a boring day in this job. The atmosphere inside this organization helped a lot to make this year more enjoyable, you can have difficult moments but it really felt to have a…

Robert Nature Reserve Assistant in BirdLife Malta

During my stay, I primarily worked in the Ghadira nature reserve also known as the biggest salt marsh of Malta.
